Brave New Girl

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Artful Shape Shifter

As artists it often feels like we are fairly low down in the social pecking order.

We don’t save lives.

But hopefully we enhance lives and express untold possibilities through the visual image.

Nonetheless, during dictatorships and oppressive regimes, artists are one of the first haul to be annihilated.

Our expressions are considered dangerous. Therefore we are dangerous. And need to be got rid of.

And that, it seems to me, shows the power of artists to make an impact.

My Brave New Girl podcast guest this week is Kristina Snyder, founder of the artist agency We are Snyder. She understands the skill of visual artists, illustrators and animators to make a mark on the world.

Marks that matter.

Marks that make us pause and reflect.

Marks that have the power to mirror society back to us in weird and wonderful ways.

Marks that artfully shape shift how we experience life.

After listening to Kristina, spend the rest of the day, looking around you.

Notice how these creatives inject spice into our daily landscape.

Notice how these magical expressions animate our lives.

If oppressors are scared of them, they must pack a punch.

They must have an innate power to change the world for the better.


Kristina came to New York from Sweden, with nothing, and knowing no one. She found herself immersed in the art scene and never looked back.


This week’s guest is Kristina Synder founder of an agency based in New York that represents a dynamic and diverse range of illustrators, animators, designers and visual artists from around the world. She is committed to empowering her clients and artists to forge conscientious and creative collaborations.

She found that the during and since the pandemic the interest of brands to use illustration and animation has increased, and that the collaborations between commercial business and creatives have also been on the rise too.

Kristina was always artistic herself but it wasn't encouraged particularly, so it was only when she got older and got her hands on a camera that she started to make creative photographic work. She ended up travelling extensively and eventually it took her to New York.

With no money or connections, she found herself in the artistic world. She met her husband who was a musician and they lived and breathed with the creative community around them.

Kristina started a photographic agency but over time that evolved into  the international art agency she heads up today.

She sees the huge possibility in artists using their creativity to positively impact the world and as an entrepreneur and supporter of her artists, she actively encourages and facilitates that.

Thanks so much Kristina for leading us on a journey through the lives of creative and artistic people and how they can have a positive impact in the world. Thank you also for for showing us that following our gut, growing organically and celebrating our creativity will lead us to living fully expressed lives that bring us fulfilment and purpose.

You can find out more about Kristina on and follow her on Linkedin @KristinaSnyder

The power of your story

You offer a different perspective to whole new audiences that otherwise would never find you, if you didn’t step up to the mic and share how you got to where you are and the lessons you learned along the way.

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