Brave New Girl

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Books give you wings

Books are magic. You open the covers and these tiny words on a page enter your skull and lift you into another world. You go places conjured up in your imagination and you learn things you never knew before.

For many it is a dream to write a book; the holy grail. Those who dare, find themselves on a journey in which they must go deep, hit walls, and keep showing up to go the distance.

Maybe everyone has a book in them, maybe they don’t, but my Brave New girl podcast guest this week Lucy McCarraher, gives you the best chance of succeeding once you’ve committed to the idea of writing it. I published my third book ‘Dare to Share’ through her publishing company Rethink Press. She was the wing under my wings,

Build your Brand

Writing a book on your area of expertise helps the reader step into your world, and understand more about your brand. Lucy McCarraher has built her business to help you build yours.


This week’s guest is Lucy McCarraher, co-founder of the Hybrid publishing house Rethink Press & author of 12 books including A Book of One’s Own – a manifesto for women to share their expertise and make a difference. She helps you write & publish a book that will transform your business whilst creating a realisable work/life integration. 

Book publishing has done well during the pandemic; perhaps because people were more focused, or had more time on their hands, or at least time to reflect on what they have become experts in and now wanted to share.

 Lucy was always passionate about books and after a winding career in performance, TV and magazines in Australia, having two sons, going through a divorce, she returned to the UK.

Writing several books herself, she eventually teamed up with Joe Gregory to create Rethink Press, a hybrid publisher that positions people as experts and their books as their calling cards. As well as setting up a coaching and mentoring side to the business Lucy also established the Business Book Awards, which, over time she and her team have ensured have become fully representative across all categories.

Thank you so much Lucy for championing women and helping them bring their expertise, experience, positive impact and influence to the world so that we start to read more nuanced and diverse books that reflect the lives we live and the businesses we run.

Thanks also for showing us that even in our busy lives we can carve out space to write and share our books for the benefit of others.

You can find out more about Lucy’s work at and follow her on Linkedin @lucymccarraher 


My book is a guide to using podcast guesting as a marketing & PR strategy to help build your brand. Available on Amazon. Published by Rethink Press.