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Fuelling our future with renewable biofuels, with L'Oreal UNESCO Women in Science Winner Host Lou Hamilton talks with Dr Reem Swidah

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Achieving Net Zero Emissions by 2050 with Renewable Biofuels | Dr Reem Swidah

On Brave New Girls podcast this week, Dr. Reem Swidah, a post-doctoral researcher at the Manchester Institute of Biotechnology, discusses her innovative work on biofuels and her vision for achieving net zero emissions by 2050. Dr. Swidah's groundbreaking research focuses on harnessing the extraordinary evolutionary capabilities of synthetic yeast strains to produce biofuels, offering a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels. Her work has earned her the prestigious L’Oreal UNESCO For Women In Science award in 2024, recognising her contributions to sustainable development and climate change mitigation.

Synthetic Yeast and Biofuels: A Promising Solution

When there is so much bad news in the world, we need these glimmers of hope to trust that as humans we can change the current trajectory in the climate crisis. Dr. Swidah's research centres on biobutanol, a superior biofuel produced through the fermentation of renewable resources. Unlike fossil fuels, which are finite and heavily contribute to greenhouse gas emissions, biobutanol burns cleanly, reducing environmental impact. The key to her research is the engineering of synthetic yeast, specifically baker's yeast, which has been genetically modified to enhance its genomic evolution. This allows the yeast to develop desired properties, such as increased resistance to butanol, making it more robust for large-scale production.

The synthetic yeast is created by altering its chromosomes, adding elements that facilitate large-scale genomic evolution. This process enables the development of yeast strains with enhanced resistance to the toxic effects of butanol, thereby increasing production efficiency. Dr. Swidah's goal is to optimise these strains to produce biobutanol cost-effectively, paving the way for industrial-scale biofuel production.

Scaling Up for Industrial Impact

Dr. Swidah's current research involves genome minimization in synthetic yeast, aiming to remove redundant elements and define the minimal genome necessary for survival under specific conditions. This research, combined with her previous work on biobutanol production, provides a strong foundation for scaling up biofuel production. The next step involves collaborating with biofuel companies to utilize their production capacities and purification technologies, enabling the transition from laboratory research to industrial application.

Overcoming Challenges and Encouraging Industry Adoption

Despite the clear environmental benefits of biofuels, there are significant challenges to their widespread adoption. The high cost of production and the existing dependency on fossil fuels pose substantial barriers. However, Dr. Swidah believes that with continued research and technological advancements, the price of biobutanol can be reduced, making it a competitive alternative to fossil fuels. Moreover, as fossil fuel reserves diminish and the urgency of addressing climate change increases, the shift towards renewable energy sources like biofuels will become inevitable.

Actionable Steps to Achieve Net Zero Emissions

Dr. Swidah emphasizes that achieving net zero emissions by 2050 requires collective effort and individual actions. Here are ten actionable steps based on her insights:

  1. Support Renewable Energy: Invest in and support the development of renewable energy sources, including biofuels.

  2. Reduce Fossil Fuel Consumption: Limit the use of fossil fuels by adopting energy-efficient practices and technologies.

  3. Promote Sustainable Transportation: Encourage the use of public transport, cycling, and walking to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

  4. Enhance Recycling Efforts: Implement robust recycling programs to minimize waste and promote sustainable resource use.

  5. Educate on Climate Change: Increase public awareness and education on the impacts of climate change and the importance of sustainable practices.

  6. Support Climate Policies: Advocate for and support policies aimed at reducing carbon emissions and promoting sustainability.

  7. Invest in Research: Fund and support research into innovative solutions for climate change, such as Dr. Swidah’s biofuel research.

  8. Adopt Sustainable Practices: Incorporate sustainable practices in daily life, such as reducing energy consumption and minimizing waste.

  9. Encourage Industry Collaboration: Promote collaboration between researchers and industry to scale up sustainable technologies.

  10. Foster Diversity in STEM: Support diversity in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields to drive innovation and progress.

Dr. Reem Swidah's pioneering research on synthetic yeast and biofuels offers a promising path to achieving net zero emissions by 2050.

PS. Listen HERE to DR REEM’s journey on BRAVE NEW GIRLS podcast to hear how she helps us help the planet.

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