Brave New Girl

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Healing the past

When you’ve always been under pressure to please, to fit in, or perform, how do you step into your next story? How do you undergo a radical untangling from the pain of the past and stand before yourself and your naked self-worth? When you accept who you are and all that has happened, then you can be whatever you want to be, without apology. Trust in your truth and know that only you can make decisions on your behalf.

Flaunt your stuff

From betrayal to burlesque, transformational coach Lora Cheadle helps women strip away the pain of the past and step towards new possibilities for the future.


This week’s guest is Lora Cheadle, a former attorney turned burlesque dancer, who uses the concepts in burlesque to help women untangle the pain of the past and slip into a more comfortable and courageous way of being; powerfully embracing their sexuality, and creating a life they love on their terms.

Lora's biggest passion growing up was dance, and in particular ballet. Instead she went to law school because she was passionate about justice and helping those who were underserved have access to justice.

 But with so many experiences where truth and justice did not prevail, she realised that practicing law wasn’t going to help people the way she'd envisioned. So she pivoted to coaching, and started working with people one on one before they were in legal trouble. 

At the same time as running a home, raising her kids and running her coaching business she decided to return to her love of dancing and took up Burlesque. Life felt good and as her kids grew older and started to move on to high school and college, Lora thought that this was the time that she could focus more on herself and her husband. But he had other things going on. It turned out he was a serial cheater.

Lora's life was turned upside down and she had to reassess everything. The lessons she learned transformed how she showed up for herself and for her clients, and her 5 step programme FLAUNT was born.

Now she believes that no matter what, always trust your own truth. You are the only one who knows how you feel inside. Trust that feeling. All the answers and guidance you need are within!

Courage is the willingness to share honestly about everything in your life that is messy, ugly, scary and raw. It’s about being willing to show up again and again, until you start feeling better, gaining some clarity, and learning to love yourself again.

 Thanks Lora for turning the concepts of burlesque into a powerful tool for overcoming the pains of the past and choreographing a better life; and for showing us that when we flaunt our stuff and reframe our problems from the past we can dance to a different tune in the future. 

You can find out more about Lora’s work on and follow her on Instagram @loracheadle 

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