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The food that keeps on giving Host Lou Hamilton talks with Mandy Barber founder of Incredible vegetables.

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Mandy Barber's Incredible Vegetables: A Vision for Future Food Security

In this week's episode of Brave New Girls podcast, Mandy Barber, the visionary founder of Incredible Vegetables, shares her journey and the transformative potential of growing perennial vegetables. Mandy's story is not just about plants; it's about resilience, sustainability, and a passion for making a difference in the world.

Imagine a garden filled with annual vegetables, painstakingly planted and nurtured, only to yield a disappointing harvest. This was a reality for many, including Lou, the host of Brave New Girls, who struggled with the inefficiency and unpredictability of annual crops.

Mandy faced a significant challenge: how to grow food sustainably in a world where traditional farming methods often fail. The reliance on annual crops, which need constant replanting and care, seemed unsustainable amidst climate change and soil degradation.

Mandy's desire was clear: she wanted to create a more sustainable and resilient way of growing food. Her goal was not only to feed her family but also to contribute to the environment positively. She sought a method that reduced the need for constant watering and soil disturbance, provided habitat for wildlife, and could withstand the uncertainties of climate change.

Mandy's pivotal decision came when she chose to focus on perennial vegetables. Unlike annuals, perennials live for many years, offering continuous harvests with minimal intervention. This choice set her on a path of discovery and innovation, leading to the foundation of Incredible Vegetables.

Starting with a small garden and eventually co-owning a piece of land, Mandy's journey was one of experimentation and learning. She discovered the vast potential of perennial vegetables like perennial kale, onions, and spinach. This journey wasn't without its challenges, but Mandy's determination and creativity helped her overcome obstacles and prove the skeptics wrong.

Mandy's epiphany was the realization that perennial vegetables are not only viable but essential for future food security. Her artistic background and fiery passion from childhood manifested in her innovative approach to gardening. She understood that just as art requires patience and nurturing, so does sustainable farming.

Mandy's insights demonstrate that with patience and the right approach, anyone can contribute to a more sustainable future. Perennial vegetables offer a way to grow food that is less labor-intensive, more resilient, and better for the planet.

Ten Actionable Steps to Start Growing Perennial Vegetables

Start Small: Begin with a few perennial plants like perennial kale or onions.

Research: Learn about the different types of perennial vegetables suitable for your climate.

Plan Your Garden: Integrate perennials with annuals for a diverse and resilient garden.

Prepare the Soil: Use mulch and organic matter to enrich the soil without tilling.

Water Wisely: Perennials need less water; focus on deep, infrequent watering.

Harvest Smart: Harvest as needed, leaving the plants to grow continuously.

Encourage Biodiversity: Plant a variety of perennials to support local wildlife.

Be Patient: Understand that perennials take time to establish but will reward you for years.

Join a Community: Connect with other gardeners to share tips and experiences.

Stay Informed: Follow resources like Incredible Vegetables for ongoing learning and inspiration.


Mandy Barber's dedication to perennial vegetables shows us a sustainable path forward, where growing food can be easy, eco-friendly, and rewarding.

PS. Listen HERE to MANDY’s journey on BRAVE NEW GIRLS podcast to hear how she helps us help the planet.

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