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Love, loss and learning.

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Turning pain into purpose Host Lou Hamilton talks with author & advocate Fleur Pierets

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When Grief Ignites a Global Crusade: The Transformative Journey of Fleur Pierets

In a world that is punctuated by tragedies and loss, Brave New Girl guest Fleur Pierets is a testament to the indomitable human spirit that can turn profound grief into powerful advocacy. Fleur wanted to celebrate her love story with a performance art project: the aim was to marry her fiancée, Julian P. Boom, in every nation that recognised same-sex marriage. It was an ambitious project that aimed to underscore love's universality and the right to have it sanctioned, regardless of gender. They called it "22 The Project," representing the 22 countries where they could legally wed at the time.

However, in 2017 life pulled the rug out from under them. After exchanging vows in only four countries, Julian was diagnosed with an aggressive form of brain cancer. The diagnosis was not just a cessation of their global journey, but a countdown to an impending loss. In 2018, Julian passed away, leaving Fleur bereft and broken.

Yet, the end of Julian's life marked Fleur's determination to keep the work that they had started together alive. Wrestling with heart-breaking grief, she wrote her debut memoir, 'Julian', not just as a tribute to her beloved but as a clarion call for human rights. In the throes of her darkest hours, Fleur found a purpose that worked its way through her pain, catalysing her suffering into a movement of advocacy that would echo across continents.

Fleur's journey raises pivotal questions about the essence of coping, healing, and finding meaning after loss. How does one navigate through the disorienting maze of bereavement? Can spirituality offer a beacon of hope? Does the quietude of silence bring solace? Amidst the crushing waves of emotional trauma, are there moments of reprieve that can save us from drowning?

Channeling Pain into Purpose:

Write to Heal: Like Fleur, use writing as a therapeutic tool. Start a journal or blog. Write letters to your loved one. This can be a private sanctuary for your emotions, helping you process your loss.

Advocate for Change: Transform your pain into a voice for change. Identify a cause that resonates with your experience and advocate for it. Your story can inspire policy changes, raise awareness, and build communities.


Learning from Loss:

Educate Yourself and Others: Take time to understand the issues at the heart of your loss. Become an informed speaker on the subject, and use your knowledge to educate others, turning ignorance into understanding.

Create a Memory Project: Just like "22 The Project", create a legacy in honor of your loved one. This could be a scholarship, a charity event, or an art piece. 

Grief into Advocacy:

Connect with Others: Engage with support groups or communities dealing with similar issues. There is strength in numbers, and collective voices can lead to significant societal impact.

Lobby for Legislation: Get involved in political advocacy. Write to legislators, attend council meetings, and campaign for legal changes that uphold the rights and dignity of those you represent.


Finding the Light in Darkness:

Seek Moments of Reprieve: Look for brief interludes of joy and peace. It could be as simple as a walk in nature or listening to a favorite piece of music. These moments can offer temporary respite from your pain.

Embrace Spirituality: If you're inclined, explore spiritual practices. Meditation, prayer, or spiritual gatherings might provide comfort and a sense of community.


Solace in Silence:

Mindfulness Meditation: Practice mindfulness or meditation to find solace in silence. It allows you to be present with your grief, acknowledging it without being overwhelmed.

Silent Retreats: Consider attending a silent retreat. These can offer a structured environment for reflection and peace.

Life Rafts in Emotional Trauma:

Therapeutic Interventions: Don't hesitate to seek professional help. Therapists can offer strategies to cope with intense emotional pain. 

Creative Outlets: Engage in creative activities such as painting, music, or dance. Creative expression can serve as a life raft, helping you to channel emotions productively.

Learning from Fleur's Experience:

Share Your Journey: Like Fleur, sharing your story can be cathartic and can help others feel less alone in their struggles.

Commit to Resilience: Develop a personal mantra or philosophy for resilience. Remember that your journey can be a beacon of hope for others.

The alchemy of transforming pain into purpose and loss into learning is not a science; it's an art—one that Fleur Pierets has mastered with grace and fortitude. It is a poignant reminder that even when life unravels, we can weave the threads back together into a tapestry of our own design—a testament to love, loss, and the enduring power of the human spirit.


PS. Listen HERE to FLEUR PIERETS’s journey on BRAVE NEW GIRLS podcast to hear how she helps us help the planet.

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