Brave New Girl

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At the crossroads

When you come to a crossroads in life you have a chance to choose which route you will take. It can be argued there are no wrong decisions, but equally there are paths which might lead you to a better place.

Alcohol is contentious. Society is built around it. We imbibe the good cheer to celebrate and commiserate. We start young and we keep at it through every occasion of life, and on most evenings for good measure.

But it is a poison. It tastes nice, smells nice and makes us feel nice. Nevertheless it’s a poison. For some people the drug is a killer. For others they can maintain an easy relationship with it.

Then there are those of us who reach a stage in our drinking careers where we hit those crossroads and have to make a choice to continue and suffer, or part ways and seek a different path.

Going sober isn’t always the easiest choice and so having the support of an encouraging community around you is essential to making the transition smooth and ultimately life-affirming.

That’s why former singer and radio 2 DJ Janey Lee Grace chose to create The Sober Club.


Whether you are a mindful drinker, sober curious or sober committed tune into this Brave New Girl podcast episode for an insight into an alternative happy, healthy life choice.


Janey Lee Grace is the bestselling author of Happy Healthy Sober and the Imperfectly Natural series. Formerly a singer and now DJ on Radio 2, Janey is founder of The Sober Club and is a coach and media trainer for those wanting to find clarity and vision and then looking to package it & send it out into the world in a way that will make people listen.

Born in Nottingham, Janey knew she wanted out of the kind of life that was expected for her. She knew she wanted to a singer and as soon as she could she launched into doing nightclubs and singing for a covers band. Her ambitions were higher than that and soon she was working as a backing singer and eventually with a quick turnaround formed a vocal set and got the gig working for Wham!

It was a work hard play hard culture but not so much for Janey. She didn't have the family back-up to let herself lose control and that kept her from doing drugs. However she was still searching for something else and she went down the road of exploring every alternative health option there was out there. Anything but give up the booze. Which characteristically wasn't out of control. It was what was considered 'normal'.

But normal kept not feeling good. And in January 2018 Janey took the plunge and went sober. What she discovered what that once you'd got  through the adjustments, life was a whole lot more fabulous.

She was inspired to help others on their sober journeys and founded The Sober Club. Having a community is vital in navigating a world which heavily revolves around alcohol. But with Janey's help and the community support more people are able to take those courageous steps.

Thanks so much Janey for encouraging and supporting people wherever they are on their sober curious or sober committed journey, and for showing how important and exciting it is to be part of a community who are all headed on a similar path.

And thanks too for showing us that if we choose to go sober, that we don’t have to go it alone.

You can find out more about Janey’s work on and follow her on Linkedin @Janeyleegrace 

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