Brave New Girl

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Stronger for longer

It’s easy to write yourself off as you reach a certain age, thinking it’s all a slippery slope into a bath chair and beyond, with ailments coming at you like you’re an old car on the blink. Past habits of hedonism and high jinks start calling in the chips as those heady days of instant gratification give way to chronic pain and payback time.

But that picture of doom and gloom is not a one way ticket to despair. Even creaky old bones and stiff muscles can be cajoled back into life with the right care and attention.

My Brave New Girl podcast guest Niki Wibrow blew up on Tiktok during lockdown when she invited women over 40 to reboot their fitness with a programme built specifically for bodies with changing challenges and needs.

Body Beautiful

With the right kind of fitness workout you can keep that body of yours bendy and balanced for the long haul. Stronger for longer, beauty is in the freedom given by good health & well-being.


This week’s guest, Niki Wibrow, is a Celebrity Personal Trainer, Fitness, Yoga and Nutrition Expert and Radio Personality. Having Over 30 Years Experience In The Health & Fitness Industry, she is now focused on women over 40 and is a menopause specialist with over 4 million Tiktok views.  

During the pandemic, the fitness world was badly affected by not having real life interaction with clients but she did quickly learn to take everything online. Client by client Niki started to discover that she could train them via zoom, doing the workouts wherever they could find a quiet space in their homes. 

Then she realised she could scale that up with her social media following and she built out from her 404040 programme by doing videos on IGTV and Youtube.

As a child she was always talking and moving and dancing, and as she went into her teen years she got more focused on her movement, despite the backdrop of the difficult divorce of her parents. 

On leaving home she didn't pursue her dream but instead went from job to job, pay check to pay check, and weekend to weekend. It was a chance fitness class that Niki attended that changed her outlook. This was a different approach to exercise at that time, and she was hooked. She trained and started teaching.

As she herself got older she began to notice changes in her body in spite of her high level of fitness. And from her own experience she decided to focus on older women and become a Menopause specialist.

Taking her expertise online attracted 4 million views on TikTok and in this way she is impacting the women she wants reach across the globe.

She believes getting older doesn't have to mean giving up on yourself, but instead, having the courage to stand up and be counted.

Thanks Nikki for working tirelessly to bring health and fitness to women in a way that is manageable and achievable for everyone, so that we can all fulfil our physical potential no matter what age or starting point we are at.

Thanks also for showing us older women to build muscle and flexibility in our bodies so that we may live stronger for longer.

You can find out more about Niki’s work on

And follow her on Instagram & Tiktok @nikiwibrowfitness

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