Brave New Girl

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Up-level your health

I have a couple of years to go until I am 60. And with the years running through my fingers, I find myself increasingly interested in health. Funnily enough.

You could say that it’s like shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted. Except that the body has a magnificent way of re-inventing itself.

Not if we keep doing the same thing obviously, but if we change harmful habits & behaviours, and address our stressors, then yes indeed, we can turn our health around.

So what’s the single biggest threat to world health today? Well, according to the company Levels Health, it is metabolic dysfunction. Which is basically our whole body eco-system on red alert. And without help it will develop into any one of the chronic diseases we all know about.

My guest on Brave New Girl podcast this week is Dr Lauren Kelley-Chew, Head of Clinical Product at Levels Health. She explains that the underlying cause of metabolic disease is inflammation and that is caused by high glucose levels.

Which means that if we monitor our glucose levels so see what foods trigger a spike, then we can remove those foods and reduce inflammation and set our metabolic health on a better course.

Which is good news right?


With Levels, Dr Lauren’s mission is to solve the metabolic health crisis & make good health accessible to everyone.


Dr Lauren Kelley-Chew works with Levels- an organisation founded to increase awareness around the epidemic levels of metabolic dysfunction & give individuals the tools & knowledge to make tangible lifestyle changes. Lauren’s mission is to solve the metabolic health crisis & make good health accessible to everyone.

Metabolic dysfunction is the single largest health crisis facing the world

Over 120M Americans have prediabetes or diabetes and 9 or the 10 leading causes of death in the US are caused or worsened by metabolic dysfunction. Insulin resistance and metabolic dysfunction don’t just underlie diabetes. 

There is virtually no symptom or disease that is not touched by insulin resistance, and it’s estimated that 88% of the country might have it.

Growing up well-travelled in a large extended multi-racial Lauren saw how health impacted and was treated all round the world. Nevertheless medicine wasn't her first port of call when she grew up.

She undertook a career in finance (healthcare private equity) and then earned a scholarship to go to medical school. Seeing the way medicine is taught and practiced during her clinical training in medical school — she believed the entire system is broken and most of the way medicine is practiced doesn't make sense. 

At the same time her own health was plummeting 

She became very passionate about improving people's health and changing the U.S. healthcare system and got into Health Tech.

Rather than being a victim of the healthcare system, she decided to try to change it and to help people gain power over their own health rather than relying on the broken system; she founded a digital health startup focused on digestive disease.

She then went on to work for Levels which focuses on: 

1. Closed loop systems 

2. Interception 

3. Accountability 

which results in 

4. Personal Control. 

They have built this approach into their technology to help people close the loop on their dietary and lifestyle choices with real-time data. They are looking to establish themselves as the thought leaders in metabolic health and pioneers of "biosensors" (consumer wearables that track deeper and more meaningful metrics). 

Thanks so much Dr Lauren for sharing how Levels is helping people track their own health so that they can hold themselves accountable to the changes they want to make. Thank you also for showing us that we can take our health into our own hands and reduce the risk of future disease.

You can find out more about Dr Lauren’s work and follow her on Instagram: @drkelleychew

There is currently a waitlist to join Levels in the UK. However, we were able to get a link set up for you so you can skip the waitlist and be a part of the beta.


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