Clean Greenly

With mountains of landfill and oceans full of plastic, it is natural for us to decide we want to stop buying plastic.

But walking down the aisles of supermarkets there is little choice other than plastic.

So my Brave New Girl podcast guest this week, Laura Harnett decided to tackle the household cleaning tool section.

Laura founded the now B corp certified business The Seep Company who are replacing plastic household essentials like sponges & cloths to make them well-branded, effective, compostable & genuinely sustainable.

Circularity is at the heart of Seep where they design everything with the end-of-life of the product in mind & they're on a mission to stop 1 billion plastic cleaning tools from going to landfill by 2030.

Sustainable Living: Meet Laura Harnett & The Seep Company’s Plastic-Free Cleaning Tools


When your cleaning tools reach the end of their life you just put them in the compost bin.


After being diagnosed with breast cancer, Seep was one of the silver linings to come out of it.

Laura says she wants her kids and her kids' kids not to hate our generation for making bad decisions.

This is huge and it starts with giving everyone to have access to better products and services that have the planet front and centre in their design and to live in a country that places the planet at the forefront of their decisions like waste management and travel infrastructure.

This feels so massive to her but she says she has to believe that every little step counts.

Thank you so much Laura for making it easier for us to make small conscious changes in our homes so we are part of the solution and not part of the pollution.

You can find out more about Laura’s work on

And follow her on Linkedin @LauraHarnett 


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