From a Dark Place

When we are in a dark place it feels impossible to move forwards. In fact you feel like you are spiralling downwards like Alice in Wonderland falling down the rabbit hole. But there are ways out, and if you can grab onto the slightest, smallest thing and build on that, you are on your way.

It can feel like that when we look at the climate crisis. It feels like such a huge insurmountable problem that we can almost feel frozen in apathy or despair or lack of hope. But there are enough examples of people who are making changes, who are taking steps, who are pulling themselves into hope through optimism and action, that we can find it possible in ourselves to do something too.

But before we can save the planet, we have to save ourselves. It is only when we have the skills for self-care, bravery and optimism that we can look further to our wider problems. So let’s start where we are, build some solid footings for ourselves, and then go from there.


Knowing how to climb out of your own black hole will help you be braver every day.


My guest this week is Petra Velzeboer a renowned mental health expert, TedX speaker & CEO of mental health consultancy PVL. Born & raised in the Children of God cult, she escaped but found herself in a downward spiral until she found a way to turn her life around. Now she empowers others round the world to sustain a resilient & positive state of mental health.

  • Breaking the cycles of trauma

  • Bravery everyday- one small brave act

  • Dare to Dream & experiment with ways to make it become reality.

Petra shows us that if we do something brave every day, if we dare to dream, and if we are prepared to experiment and try on new ways, then we can carve out a life that we truly want. 


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Power of Hanging Out


Rise from the Rubble