Smash it!

What if there were an art to getting what you want? Well, the art is to follow your intuition in the pursuit of a dream, broken down into achievable goals, and to keep showing up in a smart way without grinding yourself into the ground in the process.

That’s not to say that it’s a straightforward path or an easy ride, but with relentless determination and passion you can Smash It! If ever there was a good example of this it’s women’s football and specifically the women’s England team that won the European Cup 2022 led by their level-headed manager Sarina Weigman.

Keeping their cool, training with a collective mindset and individual dreams, doing the work, keeping on track, collecting their defeats, never wavering from the end goal, no dirty tricks or nifty short-cuts, those girls showed us all what it takes to get what we want.

They really did Smash it!

And you can learn to too.


My guest on Brave New Girl podcast this week is Alison Edgar MBE, author of Smash it! which shows you how to get what you want from life.

Brave New Girl podcast

Alison Edgar MBE is known as the ‘The Entrepreneurs Godmother’ helping businesses and entrepreneurs to grow, including The Apprentice & Dragons Den winners with their businesses. She is also the author of bestselling book SMASH IT! The art of getting what you want.

Instead of sitting around during the pandemic, she decided to embrace the lockdown and write her best-selling book ‘SMASH IT! The Art of Getting What YOU Want’, which helped grow her own business to new levels!

As a child she was a very confident and precocious child. She grew up working class in a block of flats in Clydebank, Scotland but the lack of money in her family was made up for with lots of love from her parents. Growing up with undiagnosed dyslexia, she always thought that she was different to everyone else. She struggled in some of her lessons, especially English, but her family celebrated her C grades as if they were A*’s!

Leaving home at 19, she had a plan to travel the world for 6 months. She loved travelling so much that she moved to Cape town at 21 and before she knew it 6 months had turned into 6 years.

Having her two sons was a game changer for her. Her first birth was very traumatic, and she nearly lost her life. Thankfully, after three months she got better and was discharged from hospital. This made her rethink the direction of her life and made her crave a change.

Leaving her corporate job – and her comfort zone - at 46 years old, she decided it was time for a new direction. She set up her first business ‘Sales Coaching Solutions’ and gave it her all. She realised that she had a passion for helping businesses and entrepreneurs to grow so a few years after this she set up ‘The Entrepreneurs Godmother’ and helped many people including The Apprentice & Dragons Den winners with their businesses.

Fast forward to 2022 and she runs two businesses, ‘SMASH IT! Training’ and ‘Alison Edgar MBE – Keynote Speaker’. Both businesses are designed to help others in different aspects of their lives. SMASH IT! Training helps teams to flourish with contemporary training and coaching. They offer communication training, leadership training, sales training and much more.  Alison Edgar MBE - Keynote Speaker offers motivational speaking at events to help inspire and invigorate audiences of teams or entrepreneurs.

She defines courage as the ability to not be afraid to fail. So many people fear change due to the risk of failing, but in reality, it is our only constant. Change is the only thing that we can guarantee will happen to us throughout our lives, so why live in fear of it? Not fearing change and learning to embrace it is one of the most courageous things that you can do.

Thanks Alison for inspiring entrepreneurs and business owners to get the lives they want and the futures they dream of. Thanks also for showing us how to Smash it! In our lives and get ourselves to the next level.

Share your story of Smashing it!

However you got to where you are, it’s a story worth sharing. The highs, lows, the trauma and the triumphs, and how you’ve turned that into a sense of purpose and helping others. We represent you as a guest on podcasts so you can shine your light across the globe.


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