A Brush with Climate
Imagine, when sitting in the chair at your next hair appointment, that your hairdresser starts talking about the weather.
I mean really talks.
And you find you are having a deep conversation about climate.
Now imagine those conversations happening in salons around the world.
And as result change starts to happen.
Little by little the conversations leading to small actions.
Well, you don’t have to imagine the concept, because it is actually happening.
My Brave New Girl podcast guest this week is Paloma Garcia, founder of PALOMA a hair salon in Sydney, that is invested in the future & deeply committed to the sustainability movement.
They are 98% recyclable & a proud member of Sustainable Salons Australia who together have diverted 1.7million+ from landfill.
She linked up with a climate scientist & social scientist to create “A Brush with Climate’ and began educating hairdressers on climate solutions which they chat about with customers.
Conversations on climate that promote positive change.
a brush with climate
When you have a platform for conversation use it to make a better world.
A Brush with Climate was founded quickly after salon owner Paloma Garcia’s climate journey began. Once she knew the science around climate change and the crisis we are all facing, she quickly started holding meaningful conversations with her clientele and community around her salon.
She soon realised she wasn’t the only one highly concerned, the majority of her clients were also.
So she created a checklist, for tangible changes we can all make in our everyday lifestyle that will have big impact on emissions.
After a few years of this she soon discovered this unique opportunity hairdressers have in holding this meaning conversation.
So she linked up with a climate scientist and social scientist, and they have now educated hundreds of hairdressers around the country and have lots more lined up!
I came across Paloma’s story in an article in the Guardian newspaper, so word has spread , and now by guesting on podcasts Paloma has the opportunity to go deep about her campaign.
Thank you so much Paloma for making climate solutions feel like everyday solutions- and for spreading the message through everyday human connections and conversations and for showing us that little by little we can all contribute to ensuring a better future
You can find out more about Paloma’s work on
www.paloma-salon.com/sustainability and follow her on Instagram @palomarosegarcia
Guest on global podcasts to get your message, mission and vision out to the world.