A new dawn
In every moment you have a chance to start over. A freedom to choose your next step, your next thought or action. During the Pandemic, so much has felt out of our control, and yet in the way we have adapted and learned new methods of existing in an alien landscape, the more we have proved that we do have autonomy, flexibility and strength to begin again, or head in a different direction, or create a better normal.
Dawn of a New Era
My guest on Brave New Girl podcast this week is Dawn McGruer, best-selling author and digital marketing & social media entrepreneur, who has witnessed and aided people’s ability to adapt in a new technological and digital age.
Dawn McGruer is the Founder of Business Consort – a Digital & Social Media Academy inspiring entrepreneurs to rise to meet today’s challenges & be powerfully present to shine online. Host of ‘Dawn of a new era – The Chronicles of a Serial Entrepreneur’ Podcast, she is ranked in the top 5% of podcasts globally.
Dawn and I discuss how we can use social and digital marketing as a tool for the betterment of ourselves and our businesses, and for adapting to changing times and outside forces. Always the rebel, and never one to conform, she went into the corporate world at a very young age, excelled and jumped ship by the time she was 21.
She started her own business agency and by the time she was in her mid-thirties she had paid off her mortgage and was sitting pretty in a nice, comfortable life style. But she still had itchy feet; she didn’t feel fulfilled and so she began her digital marketing training academy. Always pioneering on the front edge of the wave, her academy has transformed the lives of thousands, bringing them into the digital age and beyond.
Now Dawn's new (launching soon) Power Circle programme, helping you to create aspirational goals and bring them to life across all the areas of your life, is soon about to launch. She believes courage is your ability to have a big idea and then show up and take action. And it is in the Power Circle that she is going to share with you everything she wishes she’d known along the way, so that you can take your courage and grow. Is this the dawn of your new era?
You can find out more about Dawn’s work at www.dawnmcgruer.com join the wait list for the Power Circle programme https://dawnmcgruer.com/work-with-dawn/
Listen to her podcast Dawn of a New Era on your favourite podcast provider
And follow her on Linkedin @DawnMcgruer
Feeling overwhelmed by social media & digital marketing?
Then listening to the longterm expert of both, Dawn McGruer, is a breath of fresh air.
Lou is an artist, author, filmmaker and host of Brave New Girl podcast. She founded Silk Studios- The Podcast Guest Agency to champion you and your message on global podcasts for the benefits of others, and to bring those new audiences, who have been moved by what you have to say, into your world.