The pull of your passion

Brave New Girl podcast

Perryn Ryan, Brooklyn Artist.

This week’s guest is Perryn Ryan, a Brooklyn based artist, who after more than 15 years of working in the tech and fashion industries, decided to return to her true passion, art, which is inspired by her life as a wellness advocate, a woman & her connection to the natural and spiritual world.

Perryn and I discuss how we can all return to our true calling and make a life for ourselves that reflects what is deeply meaningful for us.

BNG Podcast

When you think about podcast guesting, consider your childhood loves. Where did you put your attention outside of school and family and friends. Did you run to nature or, as Perryn did turn to crayola colouring sticks with such focus and intensity that you could visualise your future in technicolour.

Whatever that passion was for you, how did it evolve as you grew up. Did you discard it only to have it find you again in later life? This is all part of your story to share on podcasts. It illuminates life choices for the listeners, and if what you offer is relevant to them , they will follow you to your place of passion.

“I had a great time appearing on your podcast, sharing more about myself and my work with you and your audience. I hope that my story inspires your listeners to enjoy the scenic route on life’s journey and to do more of what feels good to them!”

— Perryn Ryan

You can find out more about Perryn on and follow her on Instagram on @perrynryan

Follow Lou @brave_newgirl on Instagram and get her books Brave New Girl- How to be Fearless, and FEAR LESS on Amazon or Waterstones or Barnes & Noble. UK & US versions available. Her book on podcast guesting: Dare to Share is published in the autumn 2021.

Lou is the founder of Silk Studios - the Podcast Guest Agency. If you would like to be represented by us please get in touch to find out more.

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A nice natter


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