Brilliant and human

So much of what is brilliant in business is the stuff that involves showing humanity; communication, connection, curiosity, compassion, courtesy, and creativity. And equally, some of the toughest times are often in the business of human interaction. So imagine having a fairy godmother at your side to ease the relationships, and make sure you, your team and your clients all feel happy, listened to, and appreciated.


Your Happy Workplace

Remeny Armitage is a marriage counsellor for businesses.

BNG podcast

This week’s Brave New Girl podcast guest is Remeny Armitage co-founder of Brilliant and Human, focussing on bringing humanity back into business and helping turn clients into advocates. She is often called the marriage counsellor of business, building long-lasting relationships between businesses and their clients, that are based on a strong foundation of trust.

Lou and Remeny discuss 

- the turmoil businesses have been thrown into in the last 18 months, with everyone working from home, how have business owners managed to hold all relationships to together.

- How agencies are a notorious hotbed of toxicity- what was her experience was and why she decided to leave that world leave that world.

 - How her business Brilliant and Human came about and what she does in her role as business ‘marriage counsellor’. 

- ‘People’ are often the hardest part of doing business- she offers some useful tools that businesses, big and small, can implement to help them create thriving relationships both between staff and with clients.

 - As we enter a more fluid age of work, she describes her vision for humanity in business

Thanks Remeny for being an ambassador for humanity in business and for bridging the gap between the bottom line and the brilliance created from harmonious alliances and client advocacy.

 You can find out more about Remeny’s work on and follow her on Linkedin @Remeny Armitage Royle


Be more human

How to make work your happy place.

BNG podcast

Lou is an artist, author, filmmaker and host of Brave New Girl podcast. She founded Silk Studios- The Podcast Guest Agency: guesting you on global podcasts to magnify your message, impact and visibility.


The Power of You


Trust your gut