Chaos to calm

In a moment your life can be turned upside down. No fault of your own, just bam and the course of your life spins on a penny. Your story takes a twist in the road and heads you off in an entirely different direction from the one you had neatly sewn up in your mind.

Sometimes we walk out of a curveball unscathed feeling thankful, and appreciating our fragile existence. Sometimes the impact is devastating and for a time we don’t know if we can go on. Inevitably we do go on, harmed, humbled and hoping for some kind of light to break through our dark.

My Brave New Girl podcast guest Beverley Densham, this week was living the dream in Australia, cycling to work in the early morning, when a car struck her from out of no where. As she lay on the ground, her helmet having saved her life, she was frozen in time. Then the pain, like nothing she’d ever experienced, flooded through her body.

Over time, Beverley rebuilt herself, emotionally and physically and as she did so she came to use her body with slow appreciation and mindfulness, in the flow of movement and spiritual connection.


From the chaos of her crash, Beverley developed a calm practice of mindful pilates, and so began her new path of helping others as she’d helped herself.


Beverley Densham is a Mindfulness Pilates teacher of nearly 24 years, award winning, bestselling Author of I Talk to Angels, founder of the Happy Kids Cards for children & Happy & Calm cards & has been featured in the Daily Mail, Daily Mirror, Daily Express, YOU Magazine, Woman Magazine, Spirit & Destiny magazine & BBC radio

Beverley's story has led her to doing what she does now and it is all the more powerful for the journey that has taken her here.

 During the Pandemic she lost her brother Rich when he died suddenly one night. Grief is tough at the best of times but the pandemic made it even harder. They had been very close as children but Rich suffered with Bipolar Disorder and the fallout from that was that Bev had to keep her distance somewhat, so they had grown apart over time.

But as children with their two other siblings it had been a pretty idyllic, happy, simple life. However despite that Bev found it very hard to communicate, and that only got more difficult, as she grew older and went off to University.

After that though she seemed to get into her stride, as a free spirit travelling and learning Pilates on the beach in Sydney. But her happiness was short-lived. One day while cycling to work she was smashed into by a car and thrown to the tarmac. 

Her physical injuries were bad and the pain was intense but it was the emotional trauma that overshadowed her as she tried to heal.

She suffered suffered post traumatic stress, panic attacks, depression and chronic fatigue. But after a few unsuccessful attempts at therapy she found someone who helped forgive the woman who had crashed into her, and that put her on the road to recovery.

That was when she started her mindful pilates practice, helping people be strong in mind, body and business, and ultimately to be happy and have the tools to empower them everyday.

She believes that courage is an inner determination, a light shining within that you can’t blow out and will help you through anything no matter what. 

Thanks so much Beverley for sharing how you have overcome adversity and created a toolbox for people that they can use as a daily practice to face the challenges of life and embrace the blessings. Thanks also for showing us that by using our bodies, minds and spirituality we can live full lives in each moment not matter what comes our way.

You can find out more about Beverley’s work at

And follow her on Instagram  @beverley_densham 


Do a video interview or guest on podcasts, host a vodcast series, or make a little documentary about your life and work.



Stepping stones


Not all unicorns