Inside Job

It would be so much easier if we could latch onto someone else and have them save us from ourselves.

Sadly, much as we have been raised on fairytales and happy endings with princes and princesses riding to the rescue, it ain’t how it works.

Our needs won’t be met by some well-meaning other.

Love can masquerade as a cure-all to our sense of lack, but in time it will fall short.

No blame. Someone else will simply show up our own fault lines, although we may be blinded into thinking the fault is theirs. (Unless they are a heinous type in which case it is.)

Nope if we want healthy love, we have to start with ourselves.

It’s an inside job.

Sort that and you are well on the way to a match made in heaven.

How? Well, my Brave New Girl podcast is back with series 7, and my guest to kickstart the year is Sami Wunder, love coach extraordinaire.

Tune for a love-filled 2023.


Sami Wunder helps women find lasting relationships, starting with themselves.


Sami Wunder, a leading international relationship and dating expert who specializes in working with ambitious, high-achieving women, helping them attract lasting romantic love. Her clients range from a Hollywood celebrity to UK TV stars to CEOs, bankers, lawyers, doctors, renowned authors, leading entrepreneurs, and more.

The world of love and relationships has changed and Sami is helping people navigate the new ways of meeting, dating, forming and transforming their relationships.

As a child she grew up in a household with parents who had a very dysfunctional relationship. It made her determined that when she grew up she would learn to have a happy and healthy one.

Extremely academic she went on to do a Masters in Germany with a full scholarship. It was then that she realised that she too was experiencing unsatisfactory relationships. So with her analytical brain she set out to discover the theory and practice of what makes relationships work well.

What she discovered was that it starts with self-love. Until we can meet our own needs we will be seeking it from our significant other and we will drive them away. 

Sami then developed a whole process that woman can work through to release and celebrate their feminine energy, go out with multiple men in rotational dating (which doesn't mean multiple concurrent sex) until you really get to know them and their values, their imperfections and how they are with you over time. Only then do you whittle down to the man that you want to explore life with for the longterm.

Sami's programme works for ambitious women, either single or in relationships that need improving. 

Thanks so much Sami for your refreshing approach to helping people find love and build lasting relationships in the modern world.

Thanks also for showing us that no matter where we are in the dating or relationship game, we can always find a way to create love in our lives

Sami has offered you a gift: ‘Lean In At Work, Lean Back In Love - High Achieving Women's Secrets To Romantic Success.'

1) Training on feminine energy practices for high-achieving women who want to have romantic success with men.

2) Plus - a pdf with her top 10 scripts to get men that match your needs.

Link to sign up -

You can find out more about Sami’s work on

And follow her on Linkedin @Samiwunder

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