Loud and proud

Podcasting is a relatively new communications platform. Birthed in modern times you’d think it wouldn’t be marred by the inequity of yesteryear. And yet here we are with only 11% of the top podcasts being hosted by women.

Some of us are pushing to change those stats.

I started Brave New Girl to give women a voice and founded BNG Media to help them guest on other peoples’ podcasts.

And my guest this week is Lynsay Gould who runs a podcast production company called The Podcast Boutique in which she helps women start and grow their own podcasts.

She champions indie podcasters and helps get more women’s voices heard through podcasting.

She also started the Podcasting for Business Awards and most recently the podcast network We Are Emmeline.

She works towards ensuring equality for women and having more women in podcasting, in front and behind the mic.


Whether you are guesting on podcasts, or producing them or hosting them, get your vision & mission seen and heard. Be loud and proud on the airwaves.


Lynsay Gould is the founder and CEO of The Podcast Boutique.

It's been a tough few years for everyone. Typically for her though, she doubled down in her work as podcasting seemed to explode during the first lockdown. She’s realised even more than before how important freedom is in her life and work. 

 From a working class family, happy home, they had all they needed but not all they wanted. Her parents believed in her and she grew up hearing ' you can have anything or be anything you want if you work hard enough'. Always very entrepreneurial - full of ideas to make money and start mini businesses.

She left home for university before her mum got sick with Cancer so returned home to look after her. She passed away 2 weeks before she found out she was pregnant with her eldest daughter. 

She fell into HR and was there for 20 years - wanted to help people but got disheartened by the job when it became more like a PR job and reputation management for the company she worked for. 

Finding a lump in her throat that was suspected to be something sinister (believing that she'd lose her voice) she decided to start her podcast agency which is about helping women to use their voices and speak up and use their voices to be heard. Only 11% of top podcasts by women and she wants to change that. 

She believes that using your voice no matter what, even when it feels like things are stacked against you. One voice can make a difference and create a ripple effect that can create change.

Thanks Lynsay for giving so many more woman a platform for speaking out in the world, and wishing you well with the Emmeline Network.

And thank you for showing us that when we use our voice to share our message, we can have a much greater influence in the world.

 You can find out more about Lynsay’s work on https://www.thepodcastboutique.com/ and follow her on Linkedin @LynsayGould 


One of the best ways to get your podcast out there and grow it, is to guest on other peoples’ podcasts, so that you can tell other audiences about it and inspire them to listen.

We do all the researching & pitching for you so you can do what you do best, which is shine on the mic.



Wired for More


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