Va Va Vroom

For anyone who has a v@gina or loves someone who owns one.

No matter the service your v@gina has done for you, over time, gravity, hard graft, and strenuous exercise may well have given it a pounding.

Internal scarring or weakness or prolapse can be a natural result of wear and tear.

But do we owners of the v@g, share our war stories?

Hell no.

We talk, share, confide, and have a laugh over everything. BUT THAT.

Which means we don’t know that anyone else is going through what we might be going through.

My Brave New Girl guest this week, Kim Vopni, is here to change that.

She shows us that we can reverse or reduce much if not all of the symptoms.

She shares her own story of prolapse and how she healed herself.

She explains why this needs to be talked about.

And by the way, the reason I can’t write v@gina properly is because the algorithms would censor and trash the post.

Crazy huh, that we can’t legitimately use the correct term for a part of our anatomy?

Anyway we’re here to help you put the Va Va Vroom back in your bits.


Kim Vopni is The V@gina Coach and she teaches you how to use Kegels, exercise & hypopressives to get your v@gina back into tip top working order.


Kim Vopni is a vagina coach, pelvic floor specialist and author of Your Pelvic Floor, a practical guide to solving your most intimate problems. She believes it's time for pelvic health to be discussed & offered to all vagina owners & that it's time to break through taboos & redefine how we think about women’s health.

It took her a while to figure out what she wanted to do...and then once she was in her career, she was laid off after 9 years.  Thankfully she had started a little side gig that has been her main thing for over 13 years now.

 Her 40's were a challenge...  perimenopause!  She had never heard of perimenopause at the time and was lost.  She herself had Rectocele & Uterine Prolapse. Having always been a healthy thriving person, to be sidelined by crazy symptoms was frustrating.  Ultimately it led her to great opportunities to learn, improve her own health and be able to help others.

 She was already living her purpose but it added fuel to her fire surrounding the lack of awareness and education on women's health.

 She offers online programs and coaching to help women prevent and overcome pelvic floor challenges.  There is so much suffering associated with pelvic health and so many people living less than their best life.  She is not interested in suffering and wants to ensure others know they don't have to. 

She believes courage is standing up for your beliefs knowing you may be met with resistance but doing it anyway.

 Thanks Kim for opening up the dialogue for vaginal health and making it normal to talk about so that we can get help to address any issues we have.

Thank you also for showing us how not to give up on our vagina’s when they have seemingly given up on us.

You can find out more about Kim’s work on and follow her on Instagram @vaginacoach



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