Love, Listen & Lead

Sometimes you’ve just got to burst out of your life to get a perspective on it. It might be a traumatic wake-up call, or maybe simply getting a much needed break away from your routine. You might be forced through pain to flip your brain into a change of direction, or you might just get a bird’s eye view on things by someone reaching out to ask for a shoulder to lean on, and you realise that helping them is more important than leveraging the next business deal or crushing your week with a relentless schedule and stratospheric targets.

My Brave New Girl guest this week is Stephanie Taylor and it was a call from her mum who was poorly, that knocked the wind out of her sails. What hung in the balance was pushing on with her successful business consultancy career, or stepping back to make a different kind of future. She had the courage to blow up her life and rework it into one that encompassed all that mattered to her.

Imagine creating a life in which you get to have time for those you love, to listen for what is right for your soul, and to lead yourself onto a more nourishing path.

Be a game-changer

Stephanie Taylor shows you how.

Brave New Girl podcast

Stephanie Taylor was voted Inspirational Person of the Year 2021 & featured on the BBC, EntrepreneurBusiness Insider and The Telegraph. Author of the no 1 best-selling book Rent 2 Rent Success, Host of The top 1.5% global podcast Rent 2 Rent Success she’s passionately advocates that ethical property investment, and indeed business success, is open to all.

After decades of thinking that business and wealth were not for her, she became a property investor, Co-Founder of award-winning property company, HMO Heaven, and Co-Founder of Rent 2 Rent Success which has inspired thousands of non-traditional investors to get started in property. Along with sister and business partner Nicky, they grew their rent to rent business, secured contracts worth over £2m in under three years and bought their own multi-million pound portfolio of multi-unit blocks, commercial property and HMOs. 

She now lives a life she didn’t imagine was available to her. Her passion is to share the message with others to unlock their desires, see the sparks within them and blow up their lives at any age. Blow up Your Life is a unique way to unlock the door to your unique desires and help you recreate your life exactly as you want it. When you know what you truly want, you can live a big, beautiful life of no regrets. Learning to love, listen and lead is the key.

Stephanie is setting up an accommodation and education trust to help people who struggle to find beautiful affordable homes like she did as a teenage single mum on benefits. 

Ignite your spark at Blow Up Your Life

HMO Heaven

Rent 2 Rent Success

Ignite your Spark

Listen to Stephanie’s story.

Brave New Girl podcast


Money while you sleep


Close the sky