People Power

We start where we are, right?

Whether that be in our communities, businesses or organisations.

I wanted to look at a large organisation in the UK to see what they are doing to promote an eco-system within the business that might be a template for social cohesion and stability, both for people in the workplace and for its wider impact on the planet.

When we get a glimpse of how one corner of our world is trying to make a good difference, even when it is hard to implement, it helps us to see a way that might work for us too.

So I spoke to Kirstin Furber the People Director at the UK Broadcasting station, Channel 4.

She's on a mission to make the world a better place to work, a place where we can all do our best work, be human, be kind and reach our full potential for ourselves and others, helping great leaders build cultures that drive personal growth and planetary health as well as creating success for the organisation.


Building in kindness, respect & compassion for people and the planet into the world of work, helps us all rise together.


My guest this week is Kirstin Furber. As the People Director for Channel 4 (and previously CPO Kantar and BBC Worldwide). Her  role is as a facilitator partnering  with leaders/managers and employees, so they can continue to evolve a culture where people can do their best work and C4 continues to deliver on its remit.

Kirstin talks about how you create a culture in which people can thrive, be creative, be themselves and also sometimes be able to admit that they are stressed and need support.

We cover topics of sustainability, diversity, inclusion, neuro-diversity and mental wellness.

Whether we work in an organisation, run our own business or are a solopreneur with a freelance team we are all in a position to people first, and with that, we help create a healthy eco-system for people and planet.

Thanks so much Kirstin for sharing how workplace culture can help people thrive and how in a changing flexible world, what that can look like for the health and well-being of people balancing career and life.

Thanks also for showing us how to make work feel meaningful in a way that allows us to be our best selves at the same time as making moves to protect the wider issues of the world & the planet

You can find out more about Kirstin’s work on and follow her on Linkedin @kirstinfurber 


The magic of telling your story on the mic is that you get to shine a light on how you are making a difference in the world & how others may be inspired to do the same.



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