Transparent all the way

When it comes to going green, being ethical and sustainable, there is no such thing as perfection. It’s just not possible. But sadly the prospect of imperfection stops people starting from at all. A drop in the ocean, they say. What’s the point they say. And I get it.

As individuals anything we do seems to be small change in the face of the vast challenge ahead of us with climate change. But nevertheless, there are people, there are businesses and organisations who are doing what they can to move the dial.

And it’s like the story of David and Goliath, sometimes even the small cheese, with the right approach, can have the effect of the Grand Fromage.

When you decide up front that you are going to do things properly, with the vision for positive change front of mind, you are more likely to overcome the challenges that will beset you along the way.

Take my Brave New Girl podcast guest this week Sashe Christopher, founder of Pop-my-Way an organic babywear brand. She’s made it her mission to ensure that the whole supply chain for her products are clean and sustainable, right the way down the supply chain.

A tough call. But possible. And she’s done it.


Sashe Christopher shares her story of how she came to create a truly green brand.


My guest this week is Sashe Christopher, founder of vegan, organic childrenswear brand Pop My Way that parents can trust. Its sustainable supply chain is fully GOTS-certified, from energy and water use, to hazardous chemicals /use of non-chemical dyes, to the social responsibility and wages the factory workers get paid is monitored and audited regularly.

After working in corporate fashion for over 20 years and having a baby, she soon realised that her time with her family and her health were the most important things.

She used to work long hours and weekends and was always exhausted. Having a baby made her reprioritise and rethink what really matters.

Coming from South Africa, sustainability has always been a way of life for her. Fashion brands at the moment are making claims as a tick box exercise without understanding what it really means to be a sustainable business.

Sashe, however has ensured that Pop My Way has done things correctly since its inception and they have a certification from The Global Organic Textile Standard to prove that their claims are genuine.

Their whole supply chain is monitored and audited regularly so things like farmers rights, water/energy use, prohibition of chemical dyes and pesticides and social aspects are all checked and reported on.

At Pop My Way, Sashe wants to change mindsets around fashion and make people realise that we don’t need as much clothing as we think we do.

Making these changes from the start of a baby’s life will hopefully allow them to carry these lessons with them into the future.

We need to change the culture of fast fashion and throw away clothing and move into a world of fewer quality items that can be mixed and matched and handed down instead of discarded.

Sashe has certainly done that with her babywear- beautiful, soft, hard-wearing, interchangeable and gender-free, they can be handed-down or handed back for Pop My Way’s pre-loved department.

And all with the knowledge that you are buying completely sustainably, right down to the last popper.

Thank you so much Sashe for sharing with us what a fully transparent vegan, organic, sustainable supply chain looks like so that we can be more discerning and knowledgable in the purchases we make.

And thanks for showing us that we can make fully sustainable choices when companies like yours are committed to transparency and honesty. As you say with Pop My Way: One Planet, One Purpose, One Pop!

You can find out more about Sashe’s work on and follow her on Instagram on @pop_my_way


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