Power of the sun

“If you want to make changes, you need to understand why you’re making those changes for yourself… and you make those decisions based on what you believe in and what you understand needs to happen.” Zara Glew is my Brave New Girl podcast guest this week talking about harnessing the sun’s rays to power our homes. But she’s pragmatic. She knows we each make changes when we are good and ready. When we are ready she’s here to help.

Harnessing the sun’s rays

Doing the right thing isn’t always easy and Zara Glew has been on her own long road to get to the point where now she helps others go green.

Brave New Girl podcast

My guest this week is Zara Glew, Managing Director at Environmental Energies. Based in the UK  the company provides people with renewable energy solutions including solar panels and electric vehicle power stations, to reduce energy costs, cut their carbon footprint and taxes and conform to government legislations, while generating a return on their green energy investment.

Zara's business journey through three businesses has been quite a ride, and then pandemic and Brexit hit simultaneously and she had to pull some more tricks out of the bag. 

As it turned out people being at home made them think more about the energy they were using and paying for. And with big price hikes on the horizon, the economical offering of the sun's rays started to feel an attractive option for many.

Zara was a difficult middle child but perhaps that helped in the challenges that were ahead of her. One after the other the road blocks confronted her. But each time she took a breath, regrouped and found another way.

Now on the sustainability and renewables path Zara has her vision fixed on a world ahead where we each make our decisions and choices from a place of where we are, and we go from there.

The more we understand the better decisions we can make, and so education is very much part of her remit.

Thanks Zara for pushing for change on the renewables front and for giving us economical options that harness the sun’s rays for sustainable, cost-effectiveenergy efficient, green energy solutions for the longterm.

It's reassuring to know that we can adopt sustainable, cost-effective ways to save the planet with simple solar solutions, because the power of the sun gives us what we need without destroying anything.

You can find out more about Zara on https://www.environmentalenergies.co.uk/ and follow her on Linkedin @zaraglew

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