Starts with a seed

Maybe the planet began with a Big Bang but most things start with the seed of a thing. You, an idea, a tree, a story. Your story began before you were born and has grown and evolved over time. You have become who you are depending on how you were nurtured, or how you came to nurture yourself. You have withstood storms, predators, famine, floods. You are a tough little plant and when the sun comes out you turn your face to it and shine.

So when it comes to big decisions in your story, a fork in the road, you are strong enough to make the right choice. You are faced with your habitat, your planet under threat and you can do one of two things. Hide in the shadows and hope the problem goes away or you can take a teeny step towards a solution.

Most businesses now are making green choices and even small ones count. My Brave New Girl podcast guest this week, Margaret To was asked to create the animation sections for a film on regenerative agriculture in Hawaii.

From that experience, she changed the course of her life.

How do your story choices positively impact the people you want to serve?


Margaret To founded Studio Saka to make sustainability films and use her creativity to help find climate solutions.


This week’s guest is Margaret To, founder of Studio SAKA, who helps scientists, educators, non-profits, entrepreneurs and government agencies better communicate social and climate solutions through film, design, and immersive experiences - in order to engage public conversations and inspire action.

In 2020 Margaret did a project that changed her. It was  a video series about regenerative agriculture in Hawaii. It made her rethink how she was living and she decided to start her own small vegetable plot with her nieces.

 At 17, she had left Hong Kong and moved to Los Angeles to study design and animation- it was freeing yet challenging, because her internal belief system wasn’t yet matching her purpose. But as her artistic sense evolved so did her consciousness.

 After watching the film Before The Flood by Fisher Stevens, the Climate Crisis really hit home for her and she started to look at ways that she could communicate creatively about climate solutions.

 After a few years working as a freelancer she decided to create her own film studio. But first she joined a women's entrepreneurship class so that she approached her business Studio SAKA with a business head.

Now she does design, animation, and creative direction at Studio SAKA, all with the environment, sustainability and climate solutions front of mind.

 Over time she has become someone who is able to embrace fear, not letting fear hinder her but rather turning fear into a drive and motivation to keep moving forward. 

 Thanks so much Margaret for channelling your creativity for climate change and helping others see how they can make a difference too.

 Thanks also for showing us that wherever we’re at we can all make the incremental changes that are needed to help save our planet.

You can find out more about Margaret’s work at 

https://www.studiosaka.coand follow her on Linkedin @studiosaka


Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference. Lou is a brand story consultant and helps you define how your story supports your ideal customer.



Not all unicorns


The force within