Using ancient wisdom

Despite all the shiny new technological advances, we are returning to some of the old wisdom and practices, because we realise: if it ain’t broke…

We call on organic farming which used to be just farming before we started to spray toxic chemicals on the crops that we then put in our bodies.

We call on natural remedies, which used to be called remedies before we created chemical medicines that have a long list of toxic side effects.

And one of those remedies is cannabis, which has been used for all sorts of relief for thousands of years before it became a political pawn.

Of course some advances have benefited us as humans.

But criminalizing cannabis where it could be used as a valid medical resource for those with chronic conditions has been a questionable decision.

Restoring old truths

Fortunately with the help of people like Dr Callie Seaman, those who need the healing properties of prescription cannabis are beginning to be able to access it. But not everywhere. Yet.


This week’s guest is Dr Callie Seaman, founder of Aqualabs Ltd, a liquid hydroponic fertilizer solution manufacturer, who also works within the legal cannabis sector with a licenced producer. She’s an active campaigner, educator & medical cannabis user, as well as director of MedCan which supports those with neurological conditions needing to use cannabis. 

In last 3 years Callie has been working with a number of licensed cultivators of cannabis in the UK and internationally, pushing for support for those with chronic conditions to be able to readily acquire prescription cannabis. Because of her own background she is committed to campaigning for change in how cannabis is viewed and accessed.

Callie's Dad was a drug dealer. She had epileptic seizures at 15 but her Dad was forward thinking enough to introduce her to cannabis to help control the fits.

 Later at Sheffield she completed her degree & worked for the local hydroponic shop, Aquaculture. Her passion for growing plants grew & she taught lots of people how to grow cannabis, some very sick people & she helped many to understand the benefits of cannabis.

More recently she had stopped taking cannabis but her seizures began again with a near death experience in car, with her 17 yr old son. She lost her driving license. She started to attend meetings about medical cannabis and began to get a real understanding of how cannabis can help seizures.

 In November 2018, the law changed in the UK so that cannabis could be prescribed and she started working with a licensed cultivator in the north west of the UK, becoming a director of one of only 4 licences in the UK. 

She set up Medcam to help families navigate the journey with cannabis based medical products- as well as being on the advisory board for PLEA and help patients to understand cannabis better. Later she published a book; a diary for medical cannabis users to record their consumption & be able to reflect on what works for them.

Now she continues to educate the masses on the science of cannabis and remove the stigma associated with consuming cannabis & doing more research on the plant itself, focusing on trichomes and improving on the quality of prescription cannabis.

Thanks so much Callie for sharing your own story of how medical cannabis has helped not just your own epilepsy, but also those with neurological conditions who are able to find some relief through the education and support you provide with this medical cannabis.

Thanks also showing us that when we know something is right for us and beneficial for others, we will find a way to make it happen.

You can out more about Dr Callie’s work on and follow her on Linkedin @DrCallieS

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