A gut feeling

The world inside you is as intricately balanced as the world outside. When its delicate eco-system is out of whack, the only way your body can let you know is through pain. It does try to sort things before direct messaging you but if the conditions remain untenable it has no choice but to fire up signals to you. You need to pay attention and start looking within to find out what you can do to help.

For this week’s Brave New Girl guest Nikki Mattei the signal came after a bout of food poisoning which turned into Crohn’s Disease- an inflammation of the gut which causes a lot of pain.

It was the catalyst for her to leave corporate and change lifestyle in order to manage her disease. 10 years later she can say with confidence that her so-called incurable disease, is no more.

Inside & out

When you redress the balance within, you realise that you can positively impact the imbalance outside in the world too.


Nikki Mattei, a sustainability strategist, who for the last 20 years has tried to live an ethical life & is now committed to empowering others to make decisions about how to have a lower negative impact on the planet and people. She helps trailblazing CEO’s take on the greatest challenge of their careers & steer their businesses into a sustainable future.

Nikki was a confident, happy, curious, independent child who went on to have lots of adventures and experiments in various jobs. But after contracting Crohn’s and leaving her corporate life to look after herself another sign showed itself to her.

One day a Breast Cancer UK leaflet arrived in her Riverford veggie box. It was all about hormone disrupting chemicals and breast cancer risk. She became a breast cancer educator, and then ethical marketing freelancer. 

In lead-up to Cop26 decided that wanted to help businesses outside the ethical arena, and focussing more on sustainability. She is passionate about empowering others to make decisions about how to have a lower impact on the planet and people.

She believes the human race has the vision and imagination to create the solutions we need to save the planet and create a fairer more equitable society. 

Thanks so much Nikki for your commitment to helping those get on the sustainability train, so that we each in our own ways can have a positive impact on the planet.

Thanks also for showing us that when we live by our values we can go against the mainstream and stand up for what we believe in, and make the world a better place.

You can find out more about Nikki’s work on 

My website:https://nikkimattei.com/Her holiday rental in Italy: https://www.villa-in-the-vineyard.com/  And follow her on linkedin @nikkimattei

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