Wonderful Waste

There’s going to be a point in the not too distant future where, I reckon, we’ll all be expected to show our green credentials.

But in the meantime there are female founders who are building businesses that don’t require retro-fitting, but which have grown out of a sustainable vision from the get-go.

These women entrepreneurs and impact influencers are courageously at the sharp end of the wave, growing a loyal following as they shine a light on their corner of the world.

They are impact leaders who inspire us and give us the opportunity to see how we too can get involved and get planting our own seeds.

My Brave New Girl podcast is dedicated to these pioneers and my guest May Al-Karooni is no exception.

May is the founder of Globechain which is a marketplace for waste furniture, fixtures and fittings looking to find a new home.

No mean feat, she has boot strapped it in a climate that is gripped with fear, apathy and despair.

She shows that with determination, passion and tenacity you can make a difference, you can have a ripple effect, you can as an individual or a business, be the change you want to see.


They are showing us the way to a better world.


My guest this week is May Al-Karooni, the founder of Globechain an ESG, Environmental, Social, and Governance Re-use Marketplace connecting corporates with charities, small businesses and individuals. They enable companies to reuse materials and assets to help them reduce their waste, carbon and improve their ESG data evidence of sustainability. 

After seeing the Bank she was working for wastefully dump furniture, she decided to get into waste.

She founded Globechain to contribute to the re-use revolution, circular economy and ESG marketplace.

They help divert a huge amount of waste and her vision for the future is to encourage other leaders to adopt & drive forward the circular economy and embrace a ‘waste not want not’ revolution.

Thank you so much May for creating an online marketplace that helps us to be part of the circular economy and be able to hand on items that we no longer have use for, or buy pre-used when we need something that we don’t already have.

Thanks also for showing us how to be more sustainable in the stuff we get rid of or bring into our lives, as individuals or businesses, and help us in our efforts towards climate solutions.

You can join May’s re-use revolution https://globechain.com/ and follow her on Linkedin @may-al-karooni


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Healthy Gut


See the world slowly