Break free from fear.

Courageously Go Against the Grain for a Better World.

Courage is often depicted as the act of facing danger head-on, but it encompasses so much more. Vicky Etherington, the inspiring guest on the Brave New Girls podcast, gives us her definition:

"Courage is being open to the opportunities that become available to us, and stepping into them, and doing it even when it goes against mainstream thinking, or if it goes against the grain. I think if we can do it and step into the fear or our upper level of ourselves, without fear of the consequences, that to me is courage."

Indeed, courage is about seizing opportunities that challenge the status quo and stepping into them, despite fear or adversity. In this article, we will explore what it means to embody this kind of courage and provide actionable steps to implement it into our lives.

The Challenge of Courage

Courage is not an easy path. It often means going against societal norms and battling our own fears. The fear of failure, judgment, or the unknown can be paralyzing. We hesitate because we fear the consequences of our actions. What if we fail? What if we are rejected? These fears often stop us from taking courageous steps.

Vicky Etherington's work with women entrepreneurs in Malawi exemplifies the power of courage. These women face numerous challenges daily, but their unwavering determination to break free from traditional roles and seek economic independence demonstrates true courage. They challenge the status quo, showing us that courage is built like a muscle with determination, persistence and motivation. 

The Power of Courage for All

Embracing courage can transform our lives. It means challenging the established norms, questioning the "way things have always been done," and striving for a better future. When individuals dare to step outside mainstream thinking, it sparks innovation, progress, and social change. 

Going against the grain is a bold move, both personally and for society. It means standing up for what you believe is right, even if it's unpopular. It's the environmentalist advocating for sustainable practices in a world of excessive consumption, the activist pushing for social justice when faced with discrimination, and the entrepreneur introducing disruptive technology in a stagnant industry. 

Overcoming Fear of Consequences

One of the most significant obstacles to courage is the fear of consequences. We worry about the fallout of our actions – the potential failure, criticism, or backlash. However, when we commit to our values and beliefs, we often find that the rewards outweigh the risks.

To overcome this fear, we must climb past it and shift our perspective. Instead of focusing solely on the negative outcomes, visualise the positive impact your actions could have on your life and the world. Surround yourself with a supportive community that encourages your courageous pursuits. Remember, even failures can be valuable lessons on the path to success.

Reaching for Self-Actualization

Stepping into courage takes us closer to self-actualization – the realization of our fullest potential. It means aligning our actions with our deepest values and desires. When we embrace courage, we become the architects of our own destiny, forging a path that aligns with our true selves. 

In conclusion, courage is not just about facing physical danger; it's about seizing opportunities that challenge the norm. Vicky Etherington's words remind us that courage is stepping into the unknown, despite fear, and pursuing what we believe in, even when it goes against the grain. By acknowledging and addressing our fears, surrounding ourselves with support, and focusing on the positive impact of our actions, we can infuse courage into our lives. Let's dare to be brave, go against the grain, and work towards a better future – both for ourselves and for the world. In doing so, we'll reach the upper level of ourselves, experiencing the profound sense of self-actualization that courage can unlock.

Break free- climb past your fear.

Actionable Steps:

Identify Your Values and Beliefs: Begin by reflecting on your core values and beliefs. What truly matters to you? What causes or principles are you passionate about? When you have a clear understanding of your values, you'll have a compass to guide your courageous actions. Write down your values and keep them visible to remind yourself of what you stand for. 

Face Your Fears: Courage often involves confronting your fears head-on. Make a list of the fears that have held you back from pursuing your goals or taking a stand for what you believe in. Then, break down these fears into smaller, manageable steps. Gradually expose yourself to these challenges, starting with the least intimidating. As you conquer each fear, you'll gain confidence and resilience.

Create a Support Network: Surround yourself with a supportive community of like-minded individuals who share your values and encourage your courageous endeavors. Seek out mentors, friends, or organizations that align with your goals. Having a support network can provide guidance, motivation, and a safe space to discuss your ideas and fears.

Visualize Positive Outcomes: Instead of fixating on the negative consequences of your actions, actively visualize the positive impact they could have. Picture yourself achieving your goals, making a difference, or creating positive change in your life or the world. Visualizing success can help shift your focus away from fear and toward the possibilities and rewards of courage.

Start Small and Build Momentum: Courage is a muscle that grows stronger with practice. Begin by taking small steps that challenge your comfort zone. These could be speaking up in a meeting, volunteering for a cause you care about, or initiating a difficult conversation with someone. As you successfully navigate these smaller challenges, you'll gain confidence to tackle larger ones.

Remember that courage is not the absence of fear but the willingness to act despite it. By implementing these actionable steps, you can cultivate courage in your life and gradually become more comfortable with stepping into the unknown, pursuing your passions, and making a positive impact on yourself and the world around you.


PS. If you would like support in training your mindset for a better life, book in for a free chat and we can take it from there: BOOK A CHAT

Lou Hamilton

Lou has a 20-year award-winning career in film, TV, and art, and is the host of the top-ranked Brave New Girl podcast. A certified life coach for 15 years, Lou specialises in helping you discover and harness your own unique superpower.


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