Become a creative goddess.

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How can you release the big dreams inside of you- dreams of another life –that includes more freedom, more abundance, more wild creativity?

If you’re interested in living your best life and business listen to my Brave New Girls guest Leonie Dawson, an internationally bestselling author and artist, founder & CEO of the Brilliant Biz and Life Academy. A popular blogger since 2004, Leonie is a well-regarded life and online business mentor, and self-made millionaire. She has been recognised as an Australian Business Woman of the Year and Ausmumpreneur of the Year finalist. 

Leonie shares how she came to live out her big dreams by helping others to create and take action on theirs. She shows us that when we are true to ourselves and allow ourselves our full potential, we have a positive ripple affect to others across the world.

Leonie Dawson's journey from creative farm girl to successful entrepreneur offers powerful insights into releasing our big dreams. She shares how maintaining creative practices while building a global business has allowed her to stay true to her authentic self.

Growing up on a cattle farm, Leonie found solace in art and writing during challenging times. Her mother encouraged this creativity, helping her write and illustrate her first book at age five about a cyclone that hit their farm. This early foundation of creative expression became her north star, even as she initially followed a more conventional path into government work.

When she finally "came out" to her parents about pursuing a creative career, her father worried there was no money in it. She pointedly reminded him he was a farmer - they came from a long line of dreamers. This moment marked her commitment to forging her own path.

Starting with a message board in the early 2000s, Leonie began sharing her artwork and stories online. When someone wanted to buy her art, it opened her eyes to the possibility of making a living from her creativity. She launched one of the first online courses, experimented widely, and created her wildly successful goals workbooks used by over half a million people worldwide.

But what sets Leonie apart is how she's used her success to create positive change. She's donated over $170,000 to charity and provided a quarter million book licenses to nonprofits. From helping Syrian refugees to supporting wildlife conservation, she shows how business success can fuel meaningful impact.

She’s now helping women across the planet embody their inner creative goddess in order that they may live fully and influence the world for the better.

Leonie Dawson Creative Goddess

Brave New Girl- How to Be Fearless.

10 Actionable Steps for a better future.

  1. 1.     Maintain a regular creative practice - even if just for yourself

    2.     Start sharing your work, even in small ways

    3.     Be open to unexpected opportunities and pivot points

    4.     Trust your intuition when it guides you in new directions

    5.     Focus on creating win-win scenarios in your business

    6.     Use success to generate positive impact for others

    7.     Stay connected to what originally inspired you

    8.     Limit distractions that don't serve your bigger vision

    9.     Surround yourself with reminders and inspiration

    10.  Choose the challenging path that helps you grow over the comfortable one

    Most importantly, Leonie emphasises that motivation isn't a one-and-done achievement - it needs daily replenishment. She encourages us to stay focused on creating goodness in the world, especially during challenging times. The key is remembering that when we fully express our gifts and follow our dreams, we create ripples of positive change far beyond ourselves.

PS. Listen HERE to LEONIE’S journey on BRAVE NEW GIRLS podcast to hear how she helps us create well beings on a well planet.

Lou Hamilton

Lou has a 20-year award-winning career in film, TV, and art, and is the host of the top-ranked Brave New Girl podcast. A certified life coach for 15 years, Lou specialises in helping you discover and harness your own unique superpower.


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