Heal to transform.

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Healing the Past, Embracing the Present, and Shaping the Future with Amanda Charles' Psychic Psychotherapy.

How can you heal your past, find peace in the present, and transform your future?

Amanda Charles, the author of "The Psychic Psychologist," discusses on Brave New Girls podcast, how the confluence of psychological expertise and psychic intuition can guide anyone through their mental health journey. Her unique approach to psychic psychotherapy is a beacon for those seeking to convert their adversities into stepping stones towards a life of meaning and fulfilment.

Amanda's story is a testament to resilience. Her experiences, laid bare in her her book, show that pain can indeed become purpose. She navigates the reader through the past, where the seeds of our present self are sown, highlighting the importance of understanding our ancestral and pre-birth influences. Drawing on quantum science, which poses that all time coexists, Amanda empowers individuals to reshape their futures by reconfiguring their present. This paradigm shift allows for the healing of trauma, not by reliving it but by diffusing its emotional charge and extracting wisdom to unfold a new identity.

The heart of Amanda's method lies in acknowledging that we are more than our thoughts and emotions; we are beings of energy. By incorporating scientifically proven techniques like breath work, meditation, and mindfulness into her psychic psychotherapy, Amanda outlines a path to emotional regulation and cognitive transformation. She emphasises the role of the energy body, aligning with research that demonstrates our heart's magnetic field extends beyond our physical form, influencing not just ourselves but those around us. 

Amanda's approach is not just about individual healing; it's a call to action for a healthier society and planet. By embracing our multidimensionality, we engender a more empathetic, connected, and spiritually attuned world. Brave New Girls podcast highlights such inspiring narratives, reminding us that the journey to a better life on every level, is within our grasp.

What steps can you take today to align with the most authentic version of yourself?

Heal to Transform with Amanda Charles

Healing the past, present and future with Amanda Charles

10 Actionable Steps Inspired by Amanda Charles' Approach:

Reflect on Your Past: Understand the impact of past experiences on your current identity.

Practice Mindfulness: Engage in daily meditation to be present and reduce stress.

Acknowledge Your Energy Body: Explore energy healing modalities like Reiki to enhance well-being.

Embrace Emotional Regulation: Incorporate breath work to maintain emotional balance.

Seek Wisdom from Trauma: Identify lessons from past hardships to guide future choices.

Visualise Your Future: Use positive visualizations to actively shape your desired future.

Act Intentionally: Align daily actions with the future self you aspire to become.

Cultivate Self-Compassion: Treat yourself with kindness and understanding.

Nurture Connections: Build supportive relationships that foster mutual growth.

Live Authentically: Have the courage to be true to yourself in all aspects of life.

Amanda Charles' journey and insights offer a multifaceted approach to self-discovery and healing. By following these steps, we can all embark on a transformative path to not just live but to thrive.


PS. Listen HERE to Amanda’s’s journey on BRAVE NEW GIRLS podcast to hear how she helps us help the planet.

Lou Hamilton

Lou has a 20-year award-winning career in film, TV, and art, and is the host of the top-ranked Brave New Girl podcast. A certified life coach for 15 years, Lou specialises in helping you discover and harness your own unique superpower.


Indulge intentionally.


Breaking free.