Love and loss.

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Embracing Joy in Grief: Megan Gillett's Inspiring Tale

How can we be in the process of losing loved ones and yet still hold on to the joy of living?

If you would like to understand how it is possible to go through the painful process of losing a child and yet still be able to look for moments of joy, join Megan Gillett as she talks openly about her daughter Nellie, who is living with infantile MLD, a terminal, progressive brain disease.

Nellie will likely only reach the age of four, and Megan talks about how as a family they are trying to make the most of Nellie’s short but whole life. Megan shares with us the beautiful experience of having Nellie in her life, the pain of going through the process of losing her daughter, whilst at the same time looking for and finding joy and magic in the moments, in the glimmers, along the way. She shows us how to embrace life, love, and loss with the full rainbow of emotions that they bring with them.

This is the heart of Megan's philosophy on facing life’s harshest realities with a brave and open heart. As shared in the Brave New Girls podcast, Megan’s journey is not just about coping but actively seeking the beauty amidst the grief. This approach, deeply personal and yet universally applicable, suggests that our well-being relies significantly on our mindset and actions, regardless of our circumstances.

Statistics show that those of us who actively seek joy and engage meaningfully with life, even during personal crises, tend to have better emotional resilience. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) notes that maintaining emotional well-being through difficult times is crucial for long-term health outcomes. It's not about skating over the pain. We need to go into the kernel of the anguish, acknowledge and accept it for what it is, but also know that it is also possible to experience happier feelings in amongst the pain. And that that's ok.

Megan's story is a poignant example of this. Despite Nellie’s severe limitations, Megan focuses on what her daughter can still enjoy - the smiles, the school visits, even on difficult days. This relentless pursuit of joy not only enriches Nellie’s life but also fortifies Megan’s own mental and emotional health.

Moreover, Megan’s activism and advocacy work is part of her broader mission to improve life for families dealing with disabilities. She campaigns for more inclusive treatments and better access to necessary resources, reflecting a holistic view of health and wellness that includes societal change.

This approach is transformative not just for those directly affected by such illnesses but for anyone looking to lead a healthier, happier life on a healthier planet. Engaging with our challenges, fostering community support, and advocating for systemic change are all crucial steps on this journey.

Megan Gillett exemplifies how embracing life’s full spectrum of experiences — both joyful and painful — can fundamentally reshape our approach to living. By doing so, she answers the profound question of how one can face the imminent loss of a loved one yet continue to engage with the joy of living. This is a testament to human resilience and the power of love and commitment.

Love and loss

Ten Actionable Steps:

Seek Joy Actively: Find small, everyday moments to savor and appreciate.

Create Connections: Build supportive relationships that uplift you during tough times.

Engage with Nature: Spend time outdoors to improve your mood and outlook.

Advocate for Change: Work towards systemic improvements in your community.

Embrace Challenges: View difficulties as opportunities to grow and learn.

Practice Mindfulness: Stay present in the moment to reduce stress and anxiety.

Pursue Passions: Engage in activities that fulfill you personally and emotionally.

Educate Yourself: Stay informed about conditions and resources that affect your life.

Build Resilience: Develop coping strategies that help you during emotional distress.

Share Your Story: Like Megan, sharing your experiences can help others feel less alone and foster a sense of community.

Megan’s philosophy and approach to life, as shared through her experiences with Nellie, provide valuable insights into not just surviving but thriving amidst life’s most challenging moments.

PS. Listen HERE to Megan’s journey on BRAVE NEW GIRLS podcast to hear how she helps us help the planet.

Lou Hamilton

Lou has a 20-year award-winning career in film, TV, and art, and is the host of the top-ranked Brave New Girl podcast. A certified life coach for 15 years, Lou specialises in helping you discover and harness your own unique superpower.


Embracing failure.


Empowering Health.