Safe place.

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My guest on Brave New Girls podcast this week is Patsy Richardson. Her journey to creating the Greenhouse Therapy Rooms is one of transformation, innovation, and deep personal purpose. Her story began with a successful corporate career as a global strategy director for Cadbury. However, a health crisis in 2011, when she suffered kidney failure, altered her path. This life-threatening experience and the gift of a kidney transplant from a friend gave her a new lease on life, prompting her to reevaluate her career and future. Patsy recognized the importance of living with purpose and decided to focus on creating something meaningful that could benefit others.

Inspired by her experience as a trustee for a mental health charity, she noticed the poor provision of spaces for therapy. Many therapy rooms were tucked away in inconvenient, uncomfortable locations that did not promote the calm and healing atmosphere needed for effective mental health care. Patsy envisioned something different—a space where people could feel safe, relaxed, and connected with nature. This idea led to the creation of the Greenhouse Therapy Rooms, a tranquil woodland-themed space where therapists, coaches, and counsellors could rent rooms to meet their clients in person.

The Greenhouse Rooms are more than just therapy spaces; they represent a nurturing environment designed to foster personal growth and healing. The rooms are thoughtfully designed to bring the outdoors inside, complete with full-sized trees and plants spilling over the walls. Patsy wanted clients to feel as if they were stepping into a calming, natural retreat, leaving their everyday troubles behind.

Patsy’s mission goes beyond providing a physical space. She aims to create a community for therapists, coaches, and counsellors to support one another. Recognizing that many mental health professionals are not naturally inclined towards self-promotion, she helps them with marketing and building their practices. This community aspect is crucial, as Patsy believes that by working together, these professionals can provide even better care to their clients. The Greenhouse Rooms foster connection, collaboration, and growth among therapists and their clients alike.

The impact of the Greenhouse Rooms is already being felt. Clients benefit from the calm, natural surroundings, which contribute to a sense of safety and openness during therapy sessions. Patsy shares stories of clients who, initially hesitant or resistant to therapy, have found comfort in the environment. One therapist working with young women suffering from eating disorders reported that clients who were reluctant to engage in therapy began conversations by discussing the plants in the room, demonstrating the powerful influence of the space.

As Patsy looks to the future, her vision includes expanding the Greenhouse Rooms to other locations, providing more therapists and clients with the opportunity to benefit from these unique, healing spaces. For now, she continues to cultivate a thriving community, promoting positive mental health and well-being.

Patsy Richardson Greenhouse Therapy Rooms

Woodland themed Therapy Rooms

Ten actionable steps on how to choose the right mental health provision:

·  Assess Your Needs: Determine whether you need a therapist, coach, or counselor based on your mental health or life goals. Different issues may require different approaches.

·  Look for Specialization: Choose a professional who specializes in the area you're seeking help for, such as anxiety, trauma, relationship counselling, or life coaching.

·  Consider In-Person vs. Online: Decide whether you prefer in-person sessions for a more intimate connection or online therapy for convenience and flexibility.

·  Evaluate the Environment: Select a therapy space that feels safe and comfortable to you. Environments like the Greenhouse Therapy Rooms, which incorporate nature and tranquility, can greatly enhance the therapeutic experience.

·  Research Credentials: Make sure the therapist, counselor, or coach has the appropriate qualifications and certifications to provide the type of support you need.

·  Read Reviews and Testimonials: Look for feedback from other clients to gauge the effectiveness and style of the professional or therapy space you're considering.

·  Trust Your Instincts: After an initial consultation, evaluate how you feel about the professional. It's important to feel comfortable and trust the person you're working with.

·  Check for a Community Approach: Some therapy spaces, like the Greenhouse Rooms, offer a community of support for both professionals and clients. Consider the benefits of being part of a supportive environment.

·  Consider Accessibility: Make sure the location or platform is easily accessible to you, whether it's near your home, work, or easily reachable online.

·  Set Clear Goals: Before starting therapy, have a clear idea of what you want to achieve. This will help you and your therapist or coach track progress and ensure you're on the right path.

Patsy Richardson’s Greenhouse Therapy Rooms provide a tranquil, nature-inspired space for therapists and clients, fostering growth, healing, and community.

PS. Listen HERE to PATSY’s journey on BRAVE NEW GIRLS podcast to hear how she helps us help the planet.

Lou Hamilton

Lou has a 20-year award-winning career in film, TV, and art, and is the host of the top-ranked Brave New Girl podcast. A certified life coach for 15 years, Lou specialises in helping you discover and harness your own unique superpower.


Hope after trauma.


Clean caffeine.