Start where you are

It’s so easy to think you have to leapfrog to your end game, but really it’s enough to start where you are and improve as you go. Perfection stops you in your tracks, whereas putting one foot in front of the other as an act of progression, is the route to steady creation of your dreams and goals.

Softy, softly catchy monkey

That’s how Nancy Zeffman started out with her company Cucumber Clothing, aiming for style, softness and sustainability, but not hindering momentum by demanding perfection at the get-go.


This week’s Brave New Girl podcast guest is Nancy Zeffman, co-founder of Cucumber Clothing, a 100% British made luxury clothing brand for women; using a revolutionary intelligent fabric that’s cooling, anti-crush, & long-lasting, to create soft, stylish, sustainable sleepwear and loungewear.

With the first lockdown, being featured on Dragon's Den and everyone taking to their screens for business, Cucumber Clothing shot to popularity. It was the perfect attire for the new home/work integration, and now in the age of the new normal, people realise that they like to feel cool and comfy, and so this sustainable brand's rise to success  has continued unabated.

From PR to the advertising world including Saatchi & Saatchi, having children and then deciding to start her own business, Nancy has always worked on the basis of taking the opportunities as they came along. 

However right from the get-go of Cucumber Clothing Nancy and her business partner knew that they wanted to make it a sustainable brand. As she says, they didn't get everything right from the start, but if they had waited to get all their ducks in a row they might never have got going. Instead they made improvements as they went along.

Nancy believes that there are only so many ideas in the world so if you have a good one, have the courage to  grab it and run with it. 

Thanks Nancy for stepping up to the sustainability challenge and having the courage to hold strong to your values and vision and for showing us that we can buy, borrow and wear soft and sustainable clothing as part of our individual choices in the challenge to reverse the climate crisis.

You can find out more about Nancy’s work on and follow her on Linkedin @nancyzeffman

Gift of Storytelling

Support your business friend by buying her the knowledge of podcast guesting for Christmas. Everything she needs to know to share her brand story on the mic and attract new audiences into her world.

Available on Amazon..


And just like that


Driver of your destiny