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Leaving a dream career to follow your heart, with Dr Erin Zimmerman.

If you’re interested in the natural world around us and how we can conserve it for the future, listen to my guest DR Erin Zimmerman Phd evolutionary biologist, science writer, botany illustrator and author of Unrooted. She argues for the need to save plant species as part of helping preserve the rich ecosystem of the planet.

However her story addresses two parallel losses she saw occurring that she thinks need far more attention than they get: the loss of the tools and expertise needed to find and understand new species via the underfunding of natural history research and collections, and the loss of talented female scientists as they become mothers and find that a career in research doesn’t allow for their caregiving responsibilities.

 Her book benefits people and the planet by shining a light on the dire state of plant biodiversity, the need to see plants as more than a pretty backdrop, and how people who care about plants can help, even if they don’t have a background in science.

Erin wanted to make a difference. She longed to contribute to the world of botany and conservation while also being present for her family. She sought a balance that allowed her to pursue her passion for plants and fulfill her role as a mother.

The pivotal decision came when Erin realized she couldn't give her all to her scientific career and her family simultaneously. She chose to pivot, stepping away from the traditional research path to become a science writer. This decision allowed her to share her knowledge more broadly and work on her terms.

Erin's breakthrough came through writing. She had always loved writing and had maintained a weekly biology blog during her PhD. Transitioning to full-time writing, she discovered she could reach a broader audience and have a more significant impact. She could educate and inspire people about plant conservation without the constraints of academic research. 

Erin realised she could do more good as a writer than as a traditional scientist. By communicating science to the public in an accessible way, she could foster a greater appreciation for plant biodiversity and conservation. Her childhood curiosity and passion for nature came full circle, manifesting in her ability to engage others in the beauty and importance of plants.

Erin's story is a testament to the power of following one's passion and adapting to life's changes. For Brave New Girls listeners, her journey underscores the importance of resilience and the impact of science communication. She helps us to engage even when the problem is big, by realising that there are smaller ways for us all to help.

Dr Erin Zimmerman Botanical Illustration

Ten Actionable Steps to Help Plant Conservation

Get Curious: Start by learning about the plants around you. Identify the trees and flowers you see daily.

Support Conservation Organizations: Donate to or volunteer with groups focused on plant conservation.

Create a Native Plant Garden: Plant native species in your garden to support local biodiversity.

Participate in Citizen Science: Join initiatives like iNaturalist to help document plant species.

Educate Yourself and Others: Read books and articles about plant conservation and share your knowledge.

Advocate for Funding: Support policies and initiatives that fund natural history research and conservation.

Reduce Your Footprint: Adopt sustainable practices to reduce your environmental impact.

Teach Children: Involve kids in plant identification and gardening to foster a love for nature.

Use Your Voice: Write to your local representatives about the importance of plant conservation.

Stay Engaged: Continuously seek out new ways to contribute to plant conservation efforts.

Dr. Erin Zimmerman’s journey from botanist to science writer highlights the power of adapting one's path to balance passion with personal life, ultimately making a broader impact on plant conservation.

PS. Listen HERE to ERIN’s journey on BRAVE NEW GIRLS podcast to hear how she helps us help the planet.

Lou Hamilton

Lou has a 20-year award-winning career in film, TV, and art, and is the host of the top-ranked Brave New Girl podcast. A certified life coach for 15 years, Lou specialises in helping you discover and harness your own unique superpower.


Forever food.


Step lightly.