Manifesting dreams.

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Using Neuroscience of Manifesting to Create Our Desired Lives

How can we use Neuroscience of manifesting to help us create the lives we dream of? If you’d like to understand about how to get the life you want then listen this week to my Brave New girls podcast guest Dr Sabina Brennan, health psychologist, neuroscientist & bestselling author of the No 1 Bestselling books 100 Days to a Younger Brain & Beating Brain Fog and now the Neuroscience of Manifesting.

We discuss how we can harness the neuroscience of manifesting to create the lives we dream of. Dr. Brennan’s expertise lies in helping people understand how their brains work, which enables them to better understand themselves, improve their future, and manifest their best lives.

Dr. Brennan explains that our future is in our control when we harness our brains to work for us, not against us. Manifesting isn't about wishful thinking; it's an active process requiring intention and action. She provides a roadmap to help listeners use their brains effectively for manifesting their desired lives.

Dr. Brennan emphasises that manifesting is not about magic but about using scientific principles to bring about desired changes. The brain's ability to change, known as neuroplasticity, is central to this process. By understanding and leveraging this capacity, we can shape our reality and achieve our dreams.

Dr. Sabina Brennan provides valuable insights into how we can use the neuroscience of manifesting to create the lives we want. By understanding our brains, setting clear goals, taking action, and staying persistent, we can harness the power of our minds to achieve our true potential.

Manifest yoru world how you want it

Top ten actionable steps:

  1. Understand the Brain: Recognise that the brain is constantly changing and can be harnessed to manifest desired outcomes.

  2. Visualisation: Visualise the end vision in detail. This helps build confidence and clarity about what you want to achieve.

  3. Set Clear Goals: Have specific, well-defined goals. This gives the brain a clear direction to work towards.

  4. Take Action: Manifestation requires action. Identify the steps needed to reach your goals and start taking them.

  5. Develop New Habits: Engage in behaviors that support your goals. Use techniques like affirmations and vision boards to stay focused.

  6. Seek Novelty and Learning: Embrace new experiences and learning opportunities to keep your brain adaptable and ready for change.

  7. Filter Information: Train your brain to filter in relevant information and opportunities that align with your goals.

  8. Stay Persistent: Understand that change takes time and persistence. Keep working towards your goals despite setbacks.

  9. Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself. Avoid self-criticism and treat yourself with the same compassion you would offer a friend.

  10. Reflect and Adjust: Regularly reflect on your progress and make adjustments as needed. Stay flexible and open to new possibilities.


PS. Listen HERE to SABINA’s journey on BRAVE NEW GIRLS podcast to hear how she helps us help the planet.

Lou Hamilton

Lou has a 20-year award-winning career in film, TV, and art, and is the host of the top-ranked Brave New Girl podcast. A certified life coach for 15 years, Lou specialises in helping you discover and harness your own unique superpower.


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