Walking to wellness.

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Embracing 'The One Wild & Precious Life': Insights from Brave New Girls interview with Sarah Wilson.

In a world filled with chaos, uncertainty, and an overwhelming sense of responsibility to save our planet, it's easy to find ourselves paralyzed, searching for guarantees and angel wings before we take the leap into action. Sarah Wilson, a renowned journalist, TV host, and author, recognizes this struggle all too well. She embarked on a transformative journey that culminated in her book, "The One Wild & Precious Life," seeking to unravel the climate crisis conundrum and inspire meaningful change. This article delves into Sarah Wilson's enlightening insights and offers practical tips for nurturing ourselves and our planet. 

A Quest for Meaning in the Climate Crisis

Sarah Wilson's journey into the heart of the climate crisis began with a burning desire to comprehend the enormity of the problem. She realized that many people, like herself, were grappling with the overwhelming nature of the crisis. While some engaged in activism, others remained apathetic or paralyzed by fear. Sarah recognized that existing approaches were not resonating with everyone, and something needed to change. 

Her solution was a remarkable three-year odyssey around the world, living out of a single backpack. She followed in the footsteps of philosophers, thinkers, poets, and scientists, seeking a mindset that could engage individuals and foster a sense of belonging, purpose, and peace in the face of climate change.

Hiking as a Transformative Tool

Hiking played a central role in Sarah Wilson's journey, serving as an effective trope to convey her story. But why hiking? What is it about this simple act that can disarm our defensive and fearful minds, opening us up to the enormity of the climate crisis?

Studies reveal that walking in nature has numerous psychological benefits, with around 45,000 studies conducted on the subject. The patterns and fractals found in nature resonate with the patterns in our retinas, creating a sense of belonging and relaxation. The chemicals emitted by trees in nature are similar to oxytocin, promoting feelings of belonging. Additionally, being in nature and experiencing elevation can evoke a profound sense of awe, reminding us of our small place in the universe.

Meditation and Self-Responsibility

Meditation, a practice that encourages introspection and mindfulness, also played a crucial role in Sarah Wilson's journey. Through meditation, individuals can connect with something greater than themselves, fostering a sense of purpose and responsibility.

Sarah emphasizes that this spiritual journey should not be a means of avoiding civic responsibility but a way to recharge and gain perspective. The true essence of spiritual growth lies in coming back down from the mountain and sharing what you've learned with others. In essence, it's about becoming a fully engaged human on this planet.

Start Where You Are

Sarah encourages individuals to start where they are, rather than feeling the need to reinvent the wheel. Many people stand on the sidelines, afraid to make a move because they believe their actions must be perfect. However, meaningful change often begins with small, local actions.

While the journey to sustainable living and environmental responsibility may seem daunting, it's essential not to stand on the sidelines. Dive into the arena, be willing to make mistakes, pivot, and adapt as new information emerges. Sarah's journey is a testament to the transformative power of taking action, building hope, and ultimately, finding joy and meaning in being human.

Loving Life, Loving Humanity

In the end, Sarah Wilson's message is a powerful call to love life on this planet and, by extension, to love humanity. The climate crisis is the most significant issue of our time, and it demands our attention and action. By reconnecting with the beauty of our world and our shared existence, we can find the motivation to protect both our environment and our fellow human beings.


Sarah Wilson's journey, as detailed in her book "The One Wild & Precious Life," offers a beacon of hope in our increasingly complex world. It reminds us that, despite the enormity of the challenges we face, we have the power to take meaningful action and make a positive impact on the planet and our own lives. By starting where we are, embracing courage, and connecting with something greater than ourselves, we can begin to transform our world and rediscover the joy of being human.

Walking to wellness: The Transformative Power of Hiking

Tips for Looking After Ourselves and the Planet:

Connect with Nature: Spend time in natural settings, whether it's a local park or a hiking trail. Nature has a profound impact on our mental and emotional well-being.

Practice Mindfulness: Engage in meditation or mindfulness practices to gain perspective and connect with a sense of purpose beyond ourselves.

Start Small: Don't feel overwhelmed by the scale of the climate crisis. Begin with small, local actions like reducing meat consumption, minimizing food waste, and using alternative transportation methods.

Embrace Courage: Recognize that courage is a practice, not a magic trick. It involves putting yourself second occasionally and acknowledging your role in a larger force at play.

Be of Service: Actively contribute to your community and the world at large. Don't let a spiritual journey become an excuse to avoid civic responsibility.

Build Hope: Taking action, even on a small scale, can generate hope. By working toward positive change, you become part of the solution to global challenges.

Love Life and Humanity: Reconnect with the beauty of our planet and the richness of human existence. Loving life and humanity can motivate us to protect both.

Incorporate these tips into your daily life, and you'll not only care for yourself but also contribute to the well-being of our precious planet.


PS. Listen HERE to SARAH’s journey on BRAVE NEW GIRLS podcast to hear how she helps us help the planet.

Lou Hamilton

Lou has a 20-year award-winning career in film, TV, and art, and is the host of the top-ranked Brave New Girl podcast. A certified life coach for 15 years, Lou specialises in helping you discover and harness your own unique superpower.


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