Light in the dark.

Courage in Action: Megan Gillett’s ability to find joy amongst the sorrow.

Every week I ask my Brave New Girls podcast guest how they define courage. This week is my guest Megan Gillett who navigates the heartrending journey of her daughter Nellie's battle with terminal MLD. Megan redefines bravery reshaping how she lives her days with her daughter, but also offering a gentle insight for anyone grappling with their darkness.

"Courage is choosing to find the light in the dark."

Megan's definition of courage arises from a place of adversity. Facing a situation where most would see only despair, she finds and encourages joy and laughter. She isn't in denial but instead chooses to make the fierce, conscious decision to focus on the positives amidst overwhelming grief. Her courage is not loud and combative but soft and persistent, found in smiles and small victories.

Her approach reflects a deep psychological resilience, something echoed by research suggesting that positive emotions can coexist with negative ones, each providing a crucial balance during times of stress. Megan’s everyday bravery isn’t just about battling sadness; it’s about allowing happiness to coexist with grief, thereby enriching the life she and her family have with Nellie.

She challenges the conventional narrative that courage must be a grandiose display of overcoming. Instead, Megan’s courage is intimate, woven through her daily interactions with Nellie. It’s in how she cherishes her daughter’s laughter, how she advocates for better care, and how she turns each day into a celebration of life, however truncated it may be.

This everyday bravery illuminates the often-overlooked truth that courage is as much about endurance and presence as it is about conquering. It's about making peace with the uncontrollable and finding strength to savour the moment, despite knowing the painful realities that await.

By choosing to live fully in each moment with Nellie, Megan transforms courage into a lived experience. It becomes less about monumental victories and more about the quiet strength required to face each day with a heart both open to joy and accepting of sorrow.

Ten Actionable Steps to Embody Courage in Daily Life:

Acknowledge Both Sides: Allow yourself to feel joy alongside grief. Recognizing both does not diminish the importance of either.

Find Small Joys: Like Megan, look for daily moments of happiness or contentment, even in dark times.

Be Present: Focus on being fully present in the moment, which can reduce anxiety about the future.

Advocate: Stand up for what you or your loved ones need, just as Megan fights for her daughter’s care.

Share Your Story: Open up about your struggles to help others feel less alone and build a supportive community.

Embrace Support: Lean on friends, family, or support groups to strengthen your resilience.

Practice Gratitude: Regularly reflect on what you’re thankful for. Gratitude can shift your perspective and uplift your spirit.

Prioritize Self-Care: Engage in activities that nourish your body and mind. Self-care is foundational to enduring hard times.

Set Realistic Goals: Focus on achievable, small goals to foster a sense of accomplishment and control.

Learn and Adapt: Be open to learning from each situation and adapting your approach as necessary.

Megan Gillett's understanding of courage offers a transformative perspective that can provide solace and strength to many. It’s a reminder that bravery isn’t just about overcoming the darkness but learning to dance within it, finding light in every possible corner. Through her actions and philosophy, Megan exemplifies how true courage is about making the choice, every day, to live fully and love openly, no matter the circumstances. 

PS. If you would like support in combating what holds you back to reset & rise and grow your inner Brave New Girl for a better life, book in for a free chat and we can take it from there: BOOK A CHAT

PPS Our Reset & Rise Retreats for creative transformation HERE

Lou Hamilton

Lou has a 20-year award-winning career in film, TV, and art, and is the host of the top-ranked Brave New Girl podcast. A certified life coach for 15 years, Lou specialises in helping you discover and harness your own unique superpower.


Courage to breakthrough.


Healthy habits.