Brave the Parapet
Finding Courage through Daily Decisions
Ruth Kudzi, guest on Brave New Girl podcast, is a respected coach and author and provides an enriching perspective on courage:
"I think courage is putting your head above the parapet even when you know that you may not be popular to do it. It's about making those brave decisions day in, day out and knowing that you may get it wrong and picking yourself back up."
In a world bustling with differing views, opinions, and personalities, standing up for what we believe in can sometimes feel like peeking our heads above a parapet. It can be scary, particularly when we face the risk of being unpopular or misunderstood. But isn’t that the essence of courage? The ability to embrace vulnerability, make brave decisions consistently, and get back up when things don’t go as planned?
Let’s explore how we can find courage in our daily lives:
Daily Acts of Resilience and Courage.
1. Embrace Your Uniqueness:
Courage begins with accepting and celebrating who you are. Every individual is unique, having their own set of values, beliefs, and perspectives. Embracing your uniqueness means acknowledging your differences and being proud of them, even if they make you unpopular. After all, it’s our unique ideas and visions that can lead to change and innovation.
2. Make Brave Decisions Daily:
Courage is like a muscle; the more you use it, the stronger it gets. Making brave decisions doesn’t always mean confronting gigantic challenges; it can be as simple as speaking up in a group, sharing a different perspective, or choosing kindness over anger. Every small brave decision contributes to building your courage muscle, preparing you for bigger challenges.
3. Learn from Mistakes:
Nobody’s perfect, and we all make mistakes. However, what distinguishes a courageous person is the ability to pick themselves back up. Every mistake is an opportunity to learn, grow, and become better. Instead of dwelling on what went wrong, focus on what you can do differently next time. This learning mindset fosters resilience, a key component of courage.
4. Seek Supportive Communities:
Surrounding yourself with supportive and like-minded individuals can bolster your courage. Having a community that understands and shares your values can provide the strength needed to raise your head above the parapet and stand up for what you believe in. Seek friends, mentors, or online communities that encourage positive dialogue and individual growth.
5. Cultivate Self-Compassion:
Courage comes easier when we are kind to ourselves. Practice self-compassion by acknowledging your emotions, being mindful of your thoughts, and treating yourself with kindness, especially when things don’t go as planned. Remember, being courageous doesn’t mean you won’t feel fear; it means moving forward despite that fear.
6. Focus on the Bigger Picture:
Sometimes, we need to remind ourselves why we are putting our heads above the parapet. Focusing on the bigger picture, whether it’s contributing to societal change, personal growth, or supporting others, can provide the motivation needed to act courageously. When the going gets tough, remember your ‘why’.
7. Celebrate Small Victories:
Every step forward is a victory. Celebrate the small wins, the brave decisions, and the times you picked yourself back up. This celebration reinforces positive behavior, builds confidence, and encourages you to continue on the courageous path.
Finding courage, as Ruth Kudzi so eloquently puts it, involves making brave decisions, facing the possibility of being unpopular, and learning from our experiences. It’s about consistently peeking our heads above the parapet, embracing our uniqueness, and moving forward with resilience and self-compassion. By doing so, we not only strengthen our courage muscle but also contribute to a more understanding, diverse, and compassionate world. Remember, every courageous act, no matter how small, is a step towards positive change. So, let’s be brave, learn, grow, and most importantly, let’s be more courageously us!
PS. If you would like support in becoming more courageous and confident to transform your life book in for a free chat and we can take it from there: BOOK A CHAT