Believe in better.

How Belief Can Lead Us to be Bolder: with Francesca Brady

Every week I ask my Brave New Girls podcast guest how they define courage. This week’s guest is Francesca Brady Forbes 30 under 30,  Management Today 35 under 35 winner of the Veuve Clicquot BOLD  Future Award at the Bold Woman Awards, and co-founder of AirRated whose purpose is to improve indoor air quality and create healthier indoor environments from homes to offices to schools. She defines courage as being fuelled by belief or fear:

"The courage to change is driven by two things: the belief that there's something better or the fear of continuing down the same path."

As a child, Francesca was very shy. She enjoyed activities that were different from what her peers did, such as playing cricket and football. She worked hard in school and took on various jobs to earn her own money. Her path was not straightforward; she shifted from studying petroleum geology to environmental science, driven by a desire to contribute to public health. This decision led her to focus on indoor air quality, a field that many overlooked.

Francesca faced many rejections when she entered the job market. Instead of giving up, she took an admin assistant role at a tech startup. This company worked with sensors in indoor environments, which reignited her interest in air quality. She saw the potential to improve how indoor air quality data was used and communicated. This insight led to the creation of AirRated, a company she co-founded, dedicated to assessing and improving indoor air quality in our homes, schools and places of work, for our longterm health.

Francesca's courage to change and innovate has made a significant impact with her own business. But she also, encourages us to adopt similar courage in our lives. Being bolder through belief and courage involves a mindset shift and practical steps that reinforce confidence and resilience. Belief in yourself and your goals forms the foundation of bold actions. Start by setting clear, specific goals that give you direction and motivation. Visualising success can strengthen your belief in your capabilities, making bold steps feel more attainable.

Embracing failure as part of the learning process is crucial. Understand that setbacks provide valuable lessons that can guide future actions. This perspective helps maintain your courage and encourages you to keep trying despite obstacles. Building a supportive network of positive, encouraging individuals can also reinforce your belief and bolster your courage. Their confidence in you can act as a powerful motivator.

Taking small, incremental steps toward your goals can build your confidence gradually. Each small success enhances your belief in your abilities, making it easier to tackle larger challenges. Challenging negative thoughts and replacing them with positive affirmations can further strengthen your belief in yourself.

Continuous learning and reflecting on past successes can boost your confidence and courage. Staying focused on the bigger picture and practicing self-compassion, especially during setbacks, helps maintain your motivation and determination. By integrating these strategies, you can harness the power of belief and courage to take bold actions and achieve your aspirations.

Francesca Brady's journey shows how courage and belief can drive change. By embracing the unknown and taking proactive steps, we become bolder and more able to improve our lives and communities.

Dare to do things differently, for the greater good.

Ten top tips on how to use belief and courage to be bolder:

1.     Set Clear Goals: Define what you want to achieve. Belief in a clear and specific goal provides direction and motivation, making it easier to muster the courage to take bold steps.

2.     Visualize Success: Regularly imagine yourself succeeding. Visualization strengthens your belief in your abilities and outcomes, boosting your confidence to act boldly.

3.     Embrace Failure as Learning: Understand that failure is part of the journey. Believing that each setback is a learning opportunity can give you the courage to keep trying despite obstacles.

4.     Build a Support Network: Surround yourself with positive and encouraging people. Their belief in you can reinforce your own belief and give you the courage to take risks.

5.     Take Small Steps: Start with small, manageable actions towards your goals. Each small success builds your belief in yourself and your capabilities, encouraging bolder actions over time.

6.     Challenge Negative Thoughts: Replace self-doubt with positive affirmations. Consistently affirming your strengths and potential can reinforce your belief in yourself and empower you to act courageously.

7.     Learn Continuously: Equip yourself with knowledge and skills relevant to your goals. Belief in your competence, bolstered by continuous learning, can increase your confidence and willingness to take bold steps.

8.     Reflect on Past Successes: Recall times when you’ve succeeded despite challenges. Reflecting on these moments can reinforce your belief in your ability to overcome obstacles and act boldly.

9.     Stay Focused on the Bigger Picture: Keep your ultimate goals and the reasons behind them in mind. Believing in the larger purpose of your actions can provide the courage to push through difficulties and take significant risks.

10.  Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself, especially during setbacks. Believing that you deserve success and treating yourself with compassion can sustain your courage and determination to keep moving forward boldly.

By integrating these tips into your daily life, you can harness the power of belief and courage to become bolder and achieve your aspirations.

By following these steps, we can all develop the courage to make meaningful changes in our lives and communities. Francesca Brady's story shows that with courage, determination, and a willingness to embrace the unknown, we can lead the way to a better future.

PS. As your Transformation Coach, I help you creatively crack the code to achieve emotional health, supporting you through your challenges, stress & fears and giving you the tools to create the life you want. 

If you would like support in combating what holds you back to reset & rise and grow your inner Brave New Girl for a better life, book in for a free chat and we can take it from there: BOOK A CHAT

PPS Join our Brave New Girls Retreat for nurturing, nourishment & to reset from our crazy lives HERE

Lou Hamilton

Lou has a 20-year award-winning career in film, TV, and art, and is the host of the top-ranked Brave New Girl podcast. A certified life coach for 15 years, Lou specialises in helping you discover and harness your own unique superpower.


Better balance.


Transforming habits.