Courage to change habits.

Vanessa Marx's Definition of Courage for creating a sustainable way of life.

Every week, I ask my Brave New Girls podcast guest how they define courage. My guest this week is Vanessa Marx, Executive Chef of the B-corp certified Bingham Riverhouse in Richmond. This is how she defines courage:

"I think courage is the courage to just start anything. One small thing because just doing one small thing is better than doing nothing at all. So on those mornings, even, when you wake up and you think, Oh, I really can't do my workout today. Just do one small thing can be anything. Just do one thing, even if it's dancing around your room. And it doesn't have to be perfect.

So just remembering as well, when it comes to sustainability for anybody that is going in that direction with their business or with their life at home, because, there are small things we can do as well at home to contribute towards a more sustainable future.

It's just remembering that it doesn't have to be perfect. Using your buying power better when you are choosing the food that you want to buy. And just take that small step to feeling more like the person that you want to become, the person that you want to be. And I think everything else will follow. You need to change habits and join the conversation. And I think the biggest one is to find your voice".

Vanessa Marx's definition of courage is simple and impactful. It is about taking that first step, no matter how small, toward change and improvement. Whether it's adopting a new habit, making more sustainable choices, or simply getting out of bed on a tough day, courage is in the act of beginning.

This idea of "just starting" can be applied to so many areas of our lives. Often, the thought of making big changes can be overwhelming. We may feel paralysed by the fear of imperfection or failure. However, Vanessa reminds us that perfection is not the goal. The goal is progress, no matter how incremental. Courage, then, is not about taking giant leaps but about consistently putting one foot in front of the other, even when the path ahead is unclear.

Incorporating Vanessa’s definition of courage into our lives starts with recognizing the power of small actions. These actions accumulate over time, leading to significant changes. Whether it's in our personal health, professional life, or efforts toward sustainability, the principle remains the same: start small, stay consistent, and let the momentum build.


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Vanessa Marx Courage.

Dare to do things differently, for a happier, healthier, impactful life.

Applying Courage in Our Daily Lives

Here are ten actionable steps inspired by Vanessa Marx’s definition of courage:

1.     Start the Day with a Win: Begin your day by accomplishing one small task, like making your bed or drinking a glass of water. This sets a positive tone for the rest of the day.

2.     Break Down Big Goals: Divide larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks. Focus on completing one task at a time rather than getting overwhelmed by the big picture.

3.     Embrace Imperfection: Accept that your actions don’t need to be perfect. The effort and intention behind them are what truly matter.

4.     Practice Mindfulness: Take a few moments each day to check in with yourself. This helps you stay grounded and aware of the small steps you can take toward your goals.

5.     Make Sustainable Choices: Start incorporating more sustainable habits into your life, like reducing plastic use or supporting local producers. Remember, every small action counts.

6.     Celebrate Small Wins: Acknowledge and celebrate the small victories along the way. This boosts motivation and reinforces the habit of taking small steps.

7.     Stay Curious: Approach challenges with curiosity rather than fear. Ask yourself, "What can I learn from this?" rather than focusing on the potential for failure.

8.     Connect with Others: Share your journey with others. Whether it's a friend, a community group, or online, connecting with others can provide support and encouragement.

9.     Reframe Setbacks: View setbacks as opportunities to learn and grow rather than as failures. Each setback is a chance to practice resilience and keep moving forward.

10.  Reflect and Adjust: Regularly reflect on your progress and be open to adjusting your approach. This helps you stay aligned with your goals and maintain momentum.

Vanessa Marx defines courage as the act of starting, no matter how small the step. Her perspective encourages us to embrace imperfection and take consistent actions toward our goals.

PS. As your Wellbeing Coach, I give you the tools to heal, grow & create the life you want. 

If you’d like support in growing your inner Brave New Girl for a healthier, happier, impactful life, book in for a free chat and we can take it from there: BOOK A CHAT

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Lou Hamilton

Lou has a 20-year award-winning career in film, TV, and art, and is the host of the top-ranked Brave New Girl podcast. A certified life coach for 15 years, Lou specialises in helping you discover and harness your own unique superpower.


Courage to know yourself.